[center][hider=rechonq's CS][b]{Appearance}[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/G8QAJru.jpg?1[/img] [b]{Full Name}[/b] James Dalton Fausch [b]{Age}[/b] 17 [b]{Year}[/b] 3rd Year [b]{Roommate}[/b] X [b]{Sign}[/b] Gemini [b]{Personality Traits}[/b] +Thoughtful -Haughty +Confident -Non-Empathic +Trusting -Vengeful [b]{Talent}[/b] Sports/Games James loves games and is pretty good at all them, even strategy games. He can be very competitive, but is normally a good sport about it. He is determined though and if given the chance will play a game forever until he wins. His best sports are soccer, volleyball and diving. [b]{Brief Background}[/b] James has always been full of energy and loves to do things. He likes being good at things and quite often his energy is being put into getting better at something. He loves to try new things as well. Even if he doesn't end up liking it, he never regrets trying it. His parents loved to travel and would take family vacations several times a year. This has given James a chance to try many things that have taught him many lessons while controlling his energy. His mark showed up when he was 12 when he fought a group of guys that were picking on a female friend of his. He was beat badly, but never stopped fighting until the others were hurt and ran away. He passed out after that, but woke up the next morning ready to take on the day. His mark and new powers have been a constant fascination for him ever since then.[/hider][/center]