[b]Ideologies/Forms of government[/b] With numerous world-states acting as incubators for experiment, a wide arrangement of socio-political concepts have been able to take center stage across numerous star systems. [u]Storikism[/u] Storikism is an ideology that melds modern political concepts with ancient politics (Pre-dynastic Egypt perhaps being one such example of a proto-storikist society). Storik Eisenhower is seen as the god father of Storikism, having lived at the same time the United Front was founded. The underlying principle of Storikism comes from the ideal of a government where corruption is purged as to ensure a government that acts for the good of the people with the punishment of death should the government prove too corrupt. The structure of a Storikist government goes as follows: The government consists of a balance of powers with three political bodies. The first body is a single autocratic individual known as the the "Absolute", who holds absolute power. The second body is the council, which is used as a tool to both depose of and replace the Absolute while also being a tool of the absolute to enforce his/her laws consistency. The third governmental body is the Cleaner, a group of watchmen whose sole duty is to systemically purge corrupt governing bodies and replace everyone involved with politicians who look out for the good of the people. [i]Bethrenism[/i] The brand of Storikism which has come to dominate the star system of Cian IV, all competing ideologies having been purged away. [u]Purist Supremism[/u] A reactionary ideology that pretty much acts as a form of planetary fascism, where independence and purity of a world must be ensured at all costs. Andrew Hawk, one of the founders of Arcandia believed that their isolation from the soulless treatment of worlds controlled by the United Front gave Arcandians a purity beyond which the hordes of earth will always lack. Purist Supremism is the de facto state ideology of the Arcandian Republic. [b][u]Sapiens[/u][/b] Various species of things that make civilizations, make spaceships and so on. May get extremely esoteric. [u]Humans[/u] Humans are human. [i]Homo Sapiens Sapiens[/i] The common man. There's quite a few of them out there.