[@Letter Bee] The children would seem excited, the younger ones more than eager to grant their savior, a few of the oldest ones still sitting on their bunks. A young one, ten or twelve, would stand against the wall with a cap leaned slightly over his face. One of the boys, a thirteen year old or so, would separate the young ones and give his hand for Mikhail to shake. "Hey there, I can't believe you've done all this- we're all really thankful." The boy against the wall would scoff and pass by them, almost shoving and muttering something like 'speak for yourselves', under his breath, and storming quickly into the hall. The lead boy would shake his head and turn back to Mikhail, "most of us are pretty grateful anyway. I almost got turned into one of those freak cultists, indoctrinated or whatever. Its pretty weird to see them around but- they're different. That knight dude says that they were brainwashed, and it wasn't their fault. I don't really get it- but I guess as long as those creepy doctors aren't around," he would shudder, "at least the cultists only showed up in the last few days." He would try to clear the thoughts, almost holding himself. Some of the other kids would look down before he would continue, "so we decided that with a bit of help- we could throw a party! Here's the first thing-" the kids would scramble a bit before bringing out a box and handing it to you, "it's a gift- from all of us! It's kinda all we could get," he would rub his nose and all the children would look at you expectantly. Inside the small, white box, would be a large, clear, blue crystal, on a long string. It looks somewhat like one of the Cultists crystals, mounted in a small piece of the strange looking machine. "It's a symbol." He would say with a more serious tone, "we found it near the Pit, and more in one of the stockrooms. We don't know what they did but this ones different, like the one the big guy with the twisted face had. We all touched it and it started to glow. Now it's got weird letters in it. We figured you could use it, or wear it, or put it on that sword you had." He would shrug, "you might need it." The children would look happily up at Mikhail, even the older ones on their bunks staring up at him, all save for the child who ran out.