Alright, how does it look? any inconsistencies? forgive me for any typos. its been awhile, heh. [hider=My Hider] NAME: Davis J. Rennet ABSTRACT: Grumpy Guard with a Good Heart DETAIL: Rennet's been around the block a couple times, seen a lot of things he probably shouldn't have. thankfully, he keeps his head down and stays out of peoples business. Well, Most of the time, but, when you see a bunch of thugs in the streets picking on some younger kids, a little girl to be precise, he had to step in. Damn his good heart, his wife said it'd be the death of him eventually. So, what if those thugs just happened to be some stinking noble's children, he wasn't about to let some young broad get beat up, bruised and abused only to be thrown away like yesterday's garbage, rotting in some dumpster somewhere. so he stepped in punched in a few noses and got a few scrapes. Maybe he was lucky, or perhaps unlucky, instead of getting gutted and tossed away, he's stuck up there on the wall, by the judges ruling, protecting the weak and foolish alike, sometimes even rousing the lazy or tired, getting them to place block after block till the wall is finished. He's gonna get down from there eventually, back to his lovely wife and child. someday. MAGICAL INVENTORY: None [/hider]