[h2]Luke Schwarz[/h2] His eyes narrowed. [i]Liar.[/i] "You totally meant to make that pun. Even now, I can see right through you." [i]Ha! How do you like that? A Schwarz-brand counterattack, infamously potent against the uninitiated wordsmiths found amongst common rabble![/i] But come to think of it, the hunches of theirs were right. If only they'd stopped to pick that thing up back there, they'd have made this portion of things so much easier... Well. Chalk it up to a case of hindsight being 20/20, he supposed. You couldn't reasonably expect them to have figured that they'd need to haul a battery-looking thing around on the off-chance that they'd need it at some point, right? [i] [color=fdc68a]Well putting it like that, maybe. I might do it in a game, but even now I don't expect game puzzles in real life. Huh. Maybe I should start.[/color][/i] [b]"Say,"[/b] he continued after the brief silence of his joke falling painfully, pathetically flat. [b]"We've seen that elevator before, right? I know I've seen the tubing and all somewhere upstairs."[/b] An idea began to emerge from the darkness.