[quote=@Rtron] *Patiently waits for Tech/magic info* Can we get a link to the original Nation RP? So we could make characters from outside of Vrent? [/quote] I don't see the need? I'm taking Vrent and expanding it to a wider world. The small backstory and Enduwin are a new thread of plot. Like I said, feel free to add a nation/area you want for background, I don't think lifting other people's nations is a good idea! Also, I'll add magic and tech information in a tick! [@Minato Namikaze] There's nothing wrong with the quality of your writing, but I will not be accepting the character. It's a straight Mary Sue and I'm not ok with that. I'm more than happy to offer criticism but I'm not going to sit here and tell you without asking of it, I understand some people don't want it. I'd love to still have you on board, but your character needs work.