Megumi saw only possible paths leading to the right hand door. She opted to walk through the tables and chairs. For the most part she weaved through them as some of them were pushed in or had larger gaps between. She bumped into a chair that had a sleeping knight, she froze in agony as the chair had hit her side. The knight groaned softly before continuing to snore. She took a moment to recover before proceeding. She silently enter the door, only to find her 'friend' mouth the words to her. She cursed quietly as she heard footsteps near the door. No one came. When she looked back to her... acquaintance, he had already disappeared. A bag of copper pieces hitting the floor. A few of the coins clinked along the stone floor, causing a few knights to stir. She cursed silently again as she quickly scooped up the majority of the coins, proceeding up the stairs with a great degree of agony. The action of scooping up the bag had sent a shock through her system. Soon she made it up the stairs, she slowly and silently opened the door, only to reveal a room filled with bunks and sleeping knights. There was a large window, an unobstructed path leading toward it. She was only on the 2nd floor, so jumping to another building would be relatively easy.. If not for her injury. She walked over to the window, remembering to keep her foot steps silent. All the knights were snoring away without a care in the world. She quietly unlocked the window, opening it. She peered out of it, it was dark, being on the opposite side of the moonlight. As luck would have it, there was another building close to the window, the roof being a few meters away and slightly lower than the window. She tied the bag of coppers to her belt before perching herself on the window opening. She took a deep breath before leaping. She barely made the jump, grasping onto the edge of the roof. She slowly pulled herself up, the pain of her broken ribs causing her to grit her teeth in agony. After making it on top of the roof, she sat for awhile, trying to regain her strength from the painful ordeal. [color=ed1c24]"I swear I'll kill him when I see him."[/color] She muttered to herself, panting. She wasn't serious about it, but it was mostly just a kind of venting.