(Finally came up with something I found acceptable to post. I hope you all think so as well. [sub]And sorry for the wait.[/sub]) [img]http://i.imgur.com/15Ekdu3.jpg?1[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Damian Hill [b]X-Men Code Name:[/b] Shade [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Physical Description:[/b] 5’11, 160 Ibs, slightly thinner build than average, wears very casual clothing (T-shirt, jeans, etc.) [b]Mutation:[/b] Shadow Manipulation. Damian can control his shadow and shape it into anything he wants. Whatever he forms it into though has to be the same size as his shadow was before he began to manipulate it though. Also, the darker the shadow, the harder and more unbreakable it will become, so the brighter the light and more transparent the shadow is the more likely it will be for it to crumble with very little force. [b]Personality:[/b] It would be an understatement to say that Damian has little self-confidence. Unless told otherwise, he usually believes that he's messing up at whatever it is that he's doing, whether it be working on a simple class assignment, fighting an opponent in combat, or just simply having a normal conversation with another person. One thing that he has come to enjoy because of this constant self-doubt is video games as it's usually much more obvious to him if he's doing something wrong or not. [b]Background:[/b] If Damian had never acquired his powers he probably would have had a good life. Loving parents. Plenty of friends. That’s not what happened though. Instead he was born a mutant and was hated and feared by the few people that he interacted with. His parents would constantly hide him away from any visitors and barely let him leave the house. They told Damian it was because they feared for his safety, for what people might do to him if they found out. The truth was that they wanted to protect their reputation. They didn’t want people to know that their child was a ‘freak.’ When Damian was sent away to Ashford Institute for the Gifted, part of him was relieved to finally get away from his family, though he would never admit it. [b]Recap of your mutations awakening:[/b] When Damian was 9 years old, his parents had left him to play on his own on the first floor of the house while they relaxed upstairs. The young boy quickly grew bored on his own and tried to go to his parents and ask to play with them, but his parents had other plans. They had completely blocked the staircase and prevented Damian from leaving the ground floor. All the young child wanted was someone to play with… and he soon got that wish. Suddenly, his shadow seemingly began to move on its own, moving all around the room, picking up objects, and making quite a mess. For the next several hours, Damian practiced and experimented with his gift until he knocked over a large vase, bringing parents downstairs to discover what their son had discovered.