[quote=@Shard] [@Guess Who] Good character, you can post him in the character section but I have a question concerning his power. Can he manifest his shadow into a three dimensional being, and use shadows like extensions of himself to pick things up and such? Can he "harden" his shadows into weapons? Finally, are his shadows "stuck" to objects, like actual shadows or can they move around freely? [/quote] 1. While the shadow is two dimensional, he could shape it to appear three dimensional. If he were to do that though, and someone were to then break open the outside of it, they'd see that the inside would appear hollow. 2. If he wanted to, yes. The more complicated the form though the harder it is to keep it in that form, so he mostly sticks to making his shadow become simple things like tendrils. 3. His shadow can move around freely, but he can't see what his shadow sees or anything. Basically, if it leaves his line of sight it becomes useless.