Alexei Dragunov | June 13, Saturday - After School He couldn't shake the unease he had felt this whole week. It was like some ghost was sitting on his shoulder, whispering malice in his ear. Not even regular puffs of his favorite Luckies could soothe his brow. He had nothing to do for the rest of the day as Saturday was service day at Sagat's restaurant and Inoue had strangely been busy whole week. His meeting with Kotori too had not revealed anything new. He felt a strange itch, a forboding of something bad about to happen. His first priority was Elena. He rushed out of the school, sprinting his way to the parking lot to pick up his bike and zoomed to his sister. He was at the site within a few moments. Waiting a bit impatiently at the gates as juniors came out. Some giving him a sidewards dismissive glance, he glared back at them to make them skittle away like rats. Soon Elena appeared, seemingly busy texting. Not watching where she walked. Alexei watched her calmly, holding back his first reaction to warn her of misstep. His phone buzzed as she looked up, a palm coming over her lips to show her surprise. She started into a light jog as she saw him soon coming up to the gates. [color=0072bc][b]"You came here, Ni-san!"[/b][/color] she asked surprised. [b][color=ed1c24]"Yeah! had nothing to do. Thought, should take you for some shopping."[/color][/b] he replied. A small gleam appeared in her eyes before she asked in a half smile, [b][color=0072bc]"What's the occasion?"[/color][/b] [b][color=ed1c24]"Nothing. One of your dresses has faded quite a bit, thought you needed one."[/color][/b] he said non-chalantly. As the one who washed the clothes at home, it was not surprising that he was aware of the wear-tear of everything that was in Dragunov household. Elena shrugged at his response, trying her best to hide her delight. It was always good to go shopping with Alexei, he wasn't a bit hurried and allowed her ample time to try almost the whole shop. With a spring in her step she followed him to his ride and they were off to the mall. --- Warakuma Mall: Shopping Center. Alexei had thought that keeping her in front of his eyes would calm the foreboding he felt but it had only worsened. He felt a bit weak, thinking about what if she got taken in front of him. As he walked a pace behind his kid sister, he warily looked around, hoping to catch anything out of order before it became a problem. He asked her to try different dresses as he went to check in to his workplace in the next building. Surely, nothing would happen inside a crowded mall.