A small wave of relief passes through Amano As the demon assures him that he thinks it went well, then goes on to say that he's sure she will like her second gift just as much. He smiles over at him and nods gratefully as he moves into his room. He looks around and it strikes him for the first time that this won't be his room for much longer. [i]'Soon, I won't have a room. A cabin, maybe, but that's only temporary as well. Eventually, I will have no place at all to call my own, and the only familiar thing will be. . .'[/i] He looks over at Illiendi, his promised companion for the entire trip, and feels a faint stirring inside him that makes him both feel uneasy, and smile. Making his way over to his closet he begins pawing through things, trying to find anything useful for the trip. The crinkle of parchment behind him causes him to turn and he watches as the taller man unfurls the maps, looking up expectantly at him as he takes up something to mark the map with. Moving to his side curiously Amano looks down at the dark, waterproof parchment and waits to see what Illiendi is up to. He keeps his mouth firmly shut as the demon begins explaining their route, working to take in every detail as he speaks. The dangers are slowly placed in front of him and he lets his mind wander with them, his eyes locked on the parchment. He feels little interest in the sirens, though he's fascinated to learn they are real, but mostly he just wonders what will happen more than he actually wants to see them. He feels a thrill at the idea of meeting up with a great beast and knows that he should be afraid. However, just the way Illiendi is so matter-of-fact about it, all the confidence that they will keep going, it quells those fears and he feels that there's nothing to fear as long as he's with the demon. He actually chuckles slightly at the idea of meeting pirates. [i]'After the other things he's talked about – including dragons – I think that this will be a peaceful meeting in comparison'[/i] He smiles briefly at Illiendi, his mind wandering over the idea of ghost ships before moving on to what the man says next. His heart actually skips a beat at the idea of meeting something that is Illiendi's equal, but once more as he speaks of stealing from the beast he feels a calm, safe feeling and more excitement rushes to the surface rather than fear. [i]'This sounds like a grand adventure! A tale for the ages! Something legends are born from!'[/i] He smiles wider, excitement dancing in his eyes as they meet the demon's before he looks back to the map, impatient to hear about what comes next. His eyes continue to glitter at the idea of exploring old forgotten ruins, perhaps even getting his hands on ancient treasures not seen before by living man. He is no great glutton for gold, but the idea of holding something so old and full of history is exciting, and he can't help but itch to get his hands on them. Then the demon speaks of his favorite part thus far: the dragons. Reaching out he actually touches the indicated spot and lets out a sigh of longing. He really, really wants to see them, more than anything else they may see along the way. Something about them sets his imagination alight more than anything else. Pulling his hand back he tears his eyes from the spot and follows Illiendi's marks up the coast, listening about the sands and old battlefields, then to the kraken itself. He's heard tales of the beast, more believable than most and corroborated by more men than any other. He had not however heard of the pearl, and as Illiendi brought it up he's sure that it's that particular object rather than the hoard of treasure the beast guards that will be of interest to them should they decide to seek it. When at last he makes the final mark and speak of them landing Amano steps away and begins walking this way and that around his room. [i]'So much to take in, so many things to think about. All these fantastic things, any one of them enough to assure I am remembered, but he speaks of them as if we will be exploring and meeting with all of them!'[/i] His heart swells happily and he looks at Illiendi with the brightest of smiles and lets out a happy sigh. “No, no, thank you Illiendi. You've given me so much to think about, so many things to look forward to, I think it best if I have some surprises left for me after we get off the boat.” He paces a few more feet before turning to the demon, smiling wider than ever. “So many sights, so many dangers in the form of beasts, nature, the land itself, even other people. So many things that could kill me, that could take me away from my goal, steal me away from this world and. . And I'm not afraid.” He lets out a shuddering breath. “I have always been afraid of dying, since I first came to realize that my siblings would more likely than not happily drown me for a chance to take me out of the running for what my father has and will leave them. I've always feared never reaching an age where I could at the least strike out on my own and get away from them, only to find more things after my life in the form of bandits, ruffians, or even my own mistakes and wild beasts.” He takes another shuddering breath. “I've always been afraid, always ready in case someone, somewhere, decides that this world non longer needs me in it, but now, here, you laying out before me the fact that we will be running head first into things I'd never even begun to imagine I would be facing in my life, all these wonderful sights, dangers, wonders, and beasts, and. . .And I'm not afraid.” His voice had been growing in excitement as he spoke, but suddenly now, it grows quiet, and soft. His eyes on the demon, he continues to smile, moving a little closer to him he gives the demon an admiring, trusting look. “And it's all thanks to you. I can not fear, for I know you will be with me. I feel no trepidation, because I have no doubt that, as long as you are with me, I will make it out alive. I will live, until it is time to pay my debt to you, and. . .And I am content with that. . .” Letting out a long sigh he reaches up and runs his finger over the flower he's given the man, still tucked into his chest pocket, and he finds his eyes falling to the ground. “I know human emotions are hard to understand, and I know, given what you are and what you want from me that I should be afraid of you, but I just want you to know that I trust you, and I hope you don't mind when I act like the foolish child I am, and also hope you never regret taking to me rather than someone. . .else.” He's been tempted to say 'better' but as he does not know how the demon judges worthiness and doesn't want to seem presumptuous. Dropping his hand back to his side he lifts his eyes, smiling at the taller male and doing his best to portray the confident young man the demon has been trying to make him into.