[@OppositionJ] Sunday 10:22 - 10:XX Nick blasted Iruka's and Kaori's name on the radio (roleplayer who played Kaori had to drop out due to school load). Played some arcade game things. Left arcade and is now walking around. About to get his day ruined by Amity and Kyle. Sabine had makeout sess in the hospital with Zac (in her room since she OD from drugs from the previous night), and both are now chillen in the lobby waiting for the rain to stop. Amity, new to town, visited her highschool friend Kyle... by surprise! (She ruined his house by accident). Both Kyle and Amity are in his apartment. Zak, Shizuka, Alban (new character), and his daughter, Lucille, are in the Shining Kettle. Lucille just demanded the impossible of Zak, she wants him to retrieve the bag that Iruka is holding (she is outside the shop) Iruka is talking to Ryoki and holding a bag with stuffed doll of the White Rabbit. She is heading to The Shining Kettle to meet up with Amity to give her Kyle's phone. The Weatherman is being the Weatherman (I think he's at the academy). Oliver just left the Enchanted Florist after talking to Nori about MURDER xD, Nori will be at the Florist for a bit more Walking to the arcade, Tomoko bumps into Yutaro, who was going to the electronic store. Shou will probably be looking down from his balcony at the grey and the rain. DID I GET EVERYTHING??! DID I MISS ANYTHING? in terms of Saturday... hm xD I'd have to find Takashi's summaries