[@OppositionJ] There was probably a couple more things that happened but this is the gist. Saturday night [quote=@Takashi] It seems my powers are needed. Very well. The characters are basically in 3 groups. I'll break down the summaries as such. [b]Group 1: The Casino[/b] Yutaro was working his shift at the blackjack table when Shou sits down for a game. Yutaro explains the rules of the game, and then Ryoki arrives, overtly greeting Shou and subtly greeting Yutaro. After beating the hell out of some losers at the club, Oliver arrives as well, mistaking Ryoki for Shou's girlfriend, though Ryoki doesn't seem perturbed by the idea. It is hinted at that Shou's former love interest was killed by The Weatherman, and that this very killer is the reason Oliver left the force. Iruka was recruited off the street to cover for a sick girl in the casino, and approaches them all in a bunny suit. Ryoki displays an absolute love for the costume and offers the embarrassed Iruka some words of encouragement. Yutaro jokingly suggests that Ryoki apply for work if she likes the costume so much, and Ryoki surprisingly agrees. In the game, Shou and Ryoki lose money; Oliver wins money. Ryoki puts some serious moves on Shou and Yutaro starts to get jealous, then interjects by reminding Ryoki that it's about time for them to see the boss about work. Shou was beyond flustered and was glad to be rescued. [b]Group 2: The Club[/b] After an awesome date at the arcade, Kyle intends to meet Nori at Club Lush, but gets stoned and oversleeps. He rushes to make it in time, but literally runs into Nick on the way, losing his phone in the process. While waiting on line to get in, he realizes that he's not going to make it in time, but Sabine comes to his rescue with VIP passes that can only be used with a guy and a gal together. Upon entering the club, they meet up with Zac, who pairs of with Sabine for some lusty dancing. Nori's set is interrupted when a drunken idiot splashes her with a glass of Vodka. Kyle sees this, follows Nori backstage and explains his mishaps. He gives Nori a jacket to change into, which she fashions into a dress or something (I have no idea about fashion terms), and she forgives him with a peck on the cheek. Once Ryva begins to rock out with her band, Sabine ditches Zac at a VIP checkpoint to acquire some good clean meth from a shady dealer in the VIP lounge. Kyle, Nori, and Zac, meet up again, but find Sabine rushing into the bathroom with a bloody nose. Once she joins back up with them, they know something's not right. Zac and Nori look after her while Kyle has a bouncer call an ambulance. Sabine passes out, but they get her into the ambulance, and Zac accompanies her to the hospital. After the chaos, Kyle then consoles Nori and the two have an intense makeout session. [b]Group 3: The Park[/b] Not a lot happened here, but characters met up so it's worth mentioning. Tomoko was doing homework in the park. She chased a stray piece of paper and ran into Copen and Amaya. The three introduced themselves and shared some hot chocolate. [/quote]