[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/FohmS05.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Gripus Probus[/b][/center] [center][i]Hero of the East, Bane of Morven[/i][/center] [center][b]Location: Campus Magnus[/b][/center] "That's the mistress, or so it is," the little orphan said gleefully, pointing in the direction of a lone tree on the outskirts of Campus Magnus. It was far enough to be clean from the muck, but close enough to be enveloped in the settlement's less than heavenly smells. "Said she'd give me more coin if I could bring her good men, or so she did." Gripus smiled at the orphan, amused by his common tongue. He reached into his robes, and pulled out five gold denarii. "There's another ten of those, if you can find me some people similar to the 'mistress'." The boy needn't ask nor hesitate, and was shot of Gripus and Liliana in the blink of an eye, losing himself in a passing throng of people. "This is no way for a boy to grow up," Gripus remarked bitterly. The mage switched his attention back to the tree, and saw two robed figures. Both appeared feminine from their movements and body language, with one seemingly relaxed against the trunk, and the other offering her a flask. Gripus could feel their auras from where he stood, their intensity filling him with hope. Such powerful allies would be tools worth bargaining for. Though perhaps it was unwise for a formerly renowned member of the Imperial Magi to simply barge his way into their interaction. "My lady," Gripus said, addressing Liliana. "Those are the two we seek, though be warned for they are powerful. Should they join us, our chances of success will be boosted threefold. Go, inquire as to their availability. I will remain at the rear, lest they cut me down," he finished with a chuckle.