[@OneStoryToMany]: The magic mastery thing. [@experta]: [list] [*] Everyone has an inventory by default. The bags are kinda... There already. No basis for having gold being an anomaly in a world that is essentially identical to that of the game's, but is fundamentally a fantasy world of its own. [*] I don't... Think former hacker of the game is the best way to go about a char. IP bans, account bans... You ain't gonna be leveling a char for very long if they keep IDing them. Also, I'd think that such a popular and expansive game would have a GM force that was on-point about this kinda stuff. [*] Backstory and current ign are, as a result... No good imo. Like, the whole 'trapped in the Void' thing itself is fine, but the prelude to that ain't. You could just as easily have made the character that race on the spot and built offa that. Level manip is interesting, though. [*] The RP takes off once the patch hits live. All are global, so you can't crack source if it hasn't been released. [*]Those skills are... Hrm. Well, the level manipulation one was okay, as far as I could tell. Harness is a tad... Well, broken is a good way to put it. Spontaneous crafting feels like a cop-out. Everything else, given what you're putting out there, seems alright. [/list] That's all for now, but I might have more to say later. Edit: Okay, to add on: In most online games, mods are usually client-side; they include things like sfx alterations, model changes, and so on and so forth. Since these are all client-side, the server doesn't flip, because you're the only one being affected by them. Something on the magnitude that you're suggesting would involve client-side mods and know-how on how to fix the packets that you own computer is sending. Modding a char to multi-race without immediately assigning that at the start of the game would cause the client to, more likely than not, cause the server to bug out and boot said account. Even with the bypass, the packets aren't being altered, so the server will freak upon connection. In essence, the character would never make it in the first place and would probably be about as buggy as hell if it ever made it onto live. Furthermore, it's not as if it's hard to patch fixes for those hacks in; game companies hire hackers all the time to hack the games, then create fixes for the breakthroughs that they make. ... Or so I'm led to believe, given what I know about networking from my classes and what I've learned from my friends who are taking classes in systems and networking. I don't mean to sound like an ass, but it feels like the whole 'hacker' thing wouldn't fly. I can't accept something that goes against common logic like that without a VERY good reason. Also because it tehnically wouldn't work in the first place, but my point stands.