[sub]Collab with [@Ruby][/sub] "XO, got a moment?" Commander Poxx had been silent and still during the commotion, standing wordlessly by Vashara's chair like a sentinel, with his arms crossed behind his back. He gave a quick, almost mechanical nod as he began to follow her into the Ready Room. The Cephanian contemplated for a moment on any available options, recalling strategic maneuvers and diplomatic techniques alike. "Captain," He began, leaning slightly towards Vashara, "Their radio silence may indicate the use of cloaking technology hiding additional ships. I advise we wait for a response before entering what may be a trap." The Ready Room was small, and almost entirely undecorated given how little time Vash had even been aboard. The only sign of Vash in the otherwise stock Ready Room were a non-Starfleet issue black, paper thin, PADD that sat upon the surface of her desk. When she entered the room it came to life, a micro holoprojector producing a quick moving text data stream in a custom Vulcan/Romulan mix, an easy on the eyes light blue light projection with a small ghostly keyboard hovering just a quarter inch above the desk surface for physical input. Usually, she just used voice commands. "Off." The projection suddenly vanished, leaving the two officers. She didn't even sit, just walk in and turn on her heel to face him. "It could be the lead scout of a greater force. It could be a deep recon ship looking for a "soft" target; which we most assuredly are. Even if there are hidden escorts, it's our job to confront it--better us than a nearby merchant marine craft, or commercial craft, or civilian craft. And I'd bet all the credits in the Federation economy that Starfleet Command has already dispatched backup. We've done what we can there, the rest is skill and problem solving." There Vash hesitated, and moved towards the desk. Not behind it; but instead just sitting herself on the front edge of the desk, looking back up to him. "I know we're new, and you don't know me...but the lives on this ship mean everything to me. I know what I'm doing. I wish I wasn't, but I'm good at this Commander. I know I have to prove that, so..." Her eyes twitched from him to the desk. "Show it." Immediately, a model sized holographic image of a Dominion attack ship appeared heading at a like sized [i]Orion[/i]. The Dominion vessel opened the attack, and Federation ship answered with a particle burst from it's deflectors. Vash provided the commentary. "I imagine they'll open with their polerons. We've got the latest shield upgrades, so it won't be devastating. We answer with a verteron particle burst from the main deflector; by my math that gives us around ten seconds with their shields down, maybe longer. Tactical will be ready to fire all torpedos at full volley and all phasers with arcs that'll reach on specific points; we know about where the shield generators are, we know their main weapons systems locations. Knock both out." Then, the holographic image disappeared. "At that point they can't run, they'll try to fight but we'll counter with transporting their Vorta commander into our brig--effectively cutting off the head. I expect the Jem'Hadar will respond with trying to interfere with our transporters, but if possible we may need to transport a few into space to thin out their numbers for the boarding party. Boarding party goes in, two teams; one goes to the computer core, one goes to the engine core. We need both. Lock it down, leave a warning buoy, and head to Vulcan--the Engineering Corps can come get the hull. We'll transmit everything else to Intelligence" Though she shrugged, Vash felt pretty confident in the plan. "We'll probably have some power conduit explosions, maybe some flack on spacing a few Jem'Hadar...but we're at war and I'm not risking my security team's lives if I don't have to. They know my rule: nobody dies. Any other issues come up I feel confident they can be solved, either by us our reinforcements showing up. Unless you've got any major issues with all that, I'd ask you lead the boarding party. If I wasn't picking my battles, I'd lead it myself." Something she sounded sour about. Poxx stood still for a moment, examining the two holographic models engage in a mock-battle. His head tilted to the side, as if in deep concentration, before turning to meet Vashara's gaze. "In that case, I will lead the boarding party. Do you have any further instructions before departure?" "Be careful. I'll tell Security you're coming. Good luck, Commander."