For me, the big thing that drew me in was this paragraph: [quote=Mokley] It's up to your character to decide whether to restore the city of Periphery to the haven it once was; to side with the Grit and return the city to the wilds; to take advantage of disaster for your character's own gain; or to broker peace between the city folk and the Grit and bring down the wall for good. [/quote] That sounds awesome on its own, and it reminded me of the set-up for Shin Megami Tensei games, which I've been into lately, where you generally go down one of three paths as you play, based on a Law - Neutral - Chaos idea. Most of the time in the games the morality is very gray-and-grey, with there being no 'right' choice -- the Law ending is often just as terrible for humanity as the Chaos one. The right choice would simply be whatever lines up with your character's beliefs. So that's basically what I'm hoping sort of happens. It'd be interesting to see how all the player-characters struggle with the choice (if at all) and to see the eventual decision they all each come to: to side with either the Grit or the city and go against the other, to take the idealistic, lowest-chance-of-success approach and attempt to get the two to co-exist at the great risk of losing both and more possible conflict in the future, or to use the whole situation to further themselves (or even do anything else that a player can think of). That would also make tons of opportunities for interesting player-character interactions and conflicts, due to clashing or common beliefs. Also, the title of the RP, 'Moonfiend,' is the greatest thing ever, and I'm really wondering if it's just that, a title, or if it's the name of an actual person/thing in the story, because that would be awesome.