[hider=The Weald] [center] [hider=Nation] [b]Nation Name:[/b] High Kingdom of the Weald [b]National Flag:[/b] [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/5341/i/2011/308/1/d/an_anglo_saxon_flag_by_rory_the_lion-d4f0taf.png[/img] [b]Demonym:[/b] Wealdmann [b]Government Type:[/b] The governance of the Weald is rather decentralized, even with the High King serving as the ultimate authority among the Wealdmenn. At the local level the most important institution is the Folkmote, the governing assembly of the local village or town, though the specifics of the Folkmote can vary. In the smallest villages it’s simply composed of all free Wealdmenn. Meanwhile in larger settlements there are too many people for the Folkmote to include them all and so there are conditions required to take part, such as owning land or having served as a warrior. However, the Folkmotes are not always in session and when they aren’t the land is administered by a Reeve. The Reeve himself is not born into power, but is elected at the Folkmote and if they serve poorly then it is likely that the Folkmote will vote to replace the Reeve with someone they deem more capable. Beyond the local level, the numerous villages and towns of the Weald are grouped together and put under the rule of an Eorl. Unlike the local Reeves, the Eorls are nobles whose claim to the title comes from their blood. There is no steadfast rule for succession among the Eorls, however, except that the previous Eorl chooses their rightful successor. Usually it is a son, but there have been cases of an Eorl choosing a particularly competent brother or even daughter. The Eorls collect taxes from the settlements under their control and levy warriors in times of war; for the most part the local Reeves and Folkmotes are left to rule their settlements without interference, but the Eorls will interfere if they deem it necessary. And at the very top of the structure, ruling over the Eorls of the Weald, is the High King himself as well as the Witenagemot. The High King is not an inherited position like the Eorls; instead they elected by the Witenagemot upon the death of the High King. As for the Witenagemot, it is an assembly of all the highest-ranking Wealdmenn , whose job it is to assist and council the High King in the governance of the realm. Most of the time it is small in size, serving primarily as a council of the High King’s chosen advisors. However, in times of crisis it swells in size as all of the high-ranking Wealdmenn gather to lend their words to the High King is hopes of persuading him to take their preferred course of action. However, such gathering are rare and the only times when one must be called is upon the death of the High King, so that the Witenagemot may elect the new High King from amongst its members. [b]Leader/Leaders:[/b] High King Cynebald Hearding High King Cynebald was once a great and renowned leader, even before being elected to the seat of High King. He was a skilled warrior and administrator both, as well as a just and honourable man. None could've asked for a more fit person to lead the Wealdmann. But that was when he was elected at the ripe age of 29, and he was elected 58 years ago. His body has grown weak and infirm, while his mind has slowly slipped away. He spends most days lying in his bed, delirious and senile. Of course, he is unable to rule the Weald in such a state and as such a regent rules in the High Kingdom. His current regent is his daughter and only child, Princess Hild, though there are many who do not take her seriously. [b]Ruling Factions/Dynasty:[/b] Clan Hearding [b]Other Important Political Figures:[/b] Princess Hild Hearding The only child of the High King, Hild holds a certain amount of respect because of her father. However, she faces some opposition as regent among many due to her status as a woman. In addition a competent [i]son[/i] of a High King as great as Cynebald was would be a shoo-in for election as the next High King. However, tradition dictates that there may never be a High Queen ruling over the Weald as it would lead to ruin. As a result there is no chance of her being elected to take her father's place once he dies. As a result Hild is often a rather hard woman in an attempt to gain the respect of those who doubt her. And after several stillbirths and her husband’s death from an infected wound, her personality has only become harsher. [b]Currency:[/b] Pund [b]State Religion:[/b] The religion of the Weald is one of a great many deities, all of which are revered and worshiped in some way by the Wealdmenn. The most revered among these is the Woldmodor, for she is the protector and caretaker of the Weald and its people. Of all the Gods she had the most priests and temples within the Weald; in fact nearly all Wealdmann homes have a shrine to the Woldmodor. However, though the Woldmodor is the most revered Wealdmann deity she is not considered to be the most powerful of the Gods. The strongest of the Gods is Eorþe, the Spirit of the World itself. The reason Eorþe is not as worshiped as widely as the Woldmodor is because while the Woldmodor is the Goddess of the Weald and her people Eorþe is the Goddess of the entire world. As such Eorþe has no biases and will do as she wills whereas the Woldmodor is believed to favour the Wealdmenn as she is their protector and they are her chosen people. The priests and priestesses of the Wealdmenn, more priestesses than priests, are charged with a number of duties. The first and foremost of these is the rites and offerings to the Gods and Goddesses of the Wealdmenn, and a close second would be the upkeep the temples across the Weald. These temples range from small groves and small wooden buildings to massive complexes. There is little formal hierarchy among the priests, with the High Priests and Arch Priests generally being priests who are considered wisest and most learned among their number. The priesthood itself doesn’t hold any direct political power; however any ruler would be wise to heed the advice of priests. In addition the highest ranking priests are considered among the Witenagemot of the High King. [/hider] [hider=Demographics and Geography] [b]World Map Location:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/qd86jbC.png[/img] [b]Interior Map:[/b] [b]Major Cities:[/b] Cyninggraf and Sæburh [b]Major Military Installments:[/b] [b]Important Locations/Buildings:[/b] [b]Capital:[/b] Cyninggraf [b]Population:[/b] ~800,000 [b]Race and Ethnic Demographic:[/b] The Wealdmenn are not just a name for the people of the High Kingdom, but a specific ethnicity of humans. There are small numbers of other races such as small isolated pixie settlements and the grogar who live in the far reaches of the mountains, but they aren’t ruled over by the High Kings and his Eorls. As a race the Wealdmenn are pale skinned, fair haired, and light eyed. The vast majority of them have hair that is some shade of blonde or red, while their eyes are almost always blue, green, or grey. [b]Economy:[/b] The economy of the Weald is relatively well off; they are not known for being exceptionally wealthy but neither is poverty a wide-spread problem. [b]Wealth Balance:[/b] In the rural areas, which make up most of the settled land, land tends to be owned by families of freemen rather than nobility and as a result while most are not exceptionally well-off they are not poor either. Even the settlements in which the Eorls live and rule the Eorl usually just owns the most land rather than being the sole owner. The situation is quite different in larger towns and cities, however, with the wealth being concentrated primarily in the hands of the nobility, traders, and craftsmen. [b]Major Exports:[/b] [b]Major Imports:[/b] [b]Staple Agricultural Crops:[/b] Primarily cereal grains such as wheat, barley, oats, and rye. [b]Trade Partners:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Culture] [b]Religion Demographics:[/b] Nearly every Wealdmann worships the Woldmodor as their main deity in addition to the myriad other gods and goddesses of their pantheon. However, the importance of the other deities often differs from region to region. There are also a small number of smaller religions in the Weald, but they are never anything larger than local cults. [b]Religious Heads:[/b] N/A [b]Popular Opinion on the Volcano:[/b] The volcano is viewed as Eorþe Stefn, the Voice of Eorþe. As such it is viewed as a holy place, but as Eorþe is the deity of the World as a whole it shows no bias and can help or hinder the Wealdmenn. [b]Popular Opinion on Wars:[/b] While the Wealdmenn view battle as one way to prove oneself, it is not something they particularly look forward to or wish to bring about. They do not want war for the sake of war, but should they feel threatened they would fight back. [b]Popular Opinion on Magic:[/b] Magic is viewed as a gift from the Gods, and those who wield it are viewed as gifted by the Gods. Many deign to become priests, but just as many find places of prestige and influence among the courts of the Eorls or even the High King. [b]Popular Opinion on Religion:[/b] For the Wealdmenn religion is simply another part of life. They have no reason to doubt the existence of the Gods, and making offerings to the Gods for good harvests or luck is simply just their way. [b]Popular Opinion on Aristocracy:[/b] The people of the Weald generally have no particular love for the nobility, but they do not resent them either. Unless, of course, the nobility happens to be taxing them heavily or calling them to a war they have no desire to be a part of. [b]Pauper Opinion on Government:[/b] Most of the Weald has a rather high opinion of the government, since the government consists of the Folksmotes that they take part in. However, they do not appreciate the higher tiers of the government interfering in their affairs. [b]Popular Opinion on Foreigners:[/b] Since much of the Weald is locating within mountain vales that are mostly isolated from the rest of the world contact with foreigners is limited. As such most of them are rather insular and distrusting of outsiders. The exceptions are the port city of Sæburh and the hilly regions along the rivers. [b]Cultural Name For The Volcano:[/b] Eorþe Stefn [b]A Look Into The Unique Culture:[/b] [b]Cultural History:[/b] [b]Notable Figures:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Military and History] [b]Type of Military:[/b] The military of the Weald is combination of levies and semiprofessional soldiers. The vast majority of warriors are levies conscripted from among the peasants of the Weald; they do not receive any special training but most practice with spear or axe in the winter months and many have practice with a bow from hunting. The other warriors of the Weald are the huscarls of the Eorls and High King, men who serve as the personal warriors to the Eorls and High King; as they are the personal warriors of the nobility (and most are nobility themselves) they have superior training and equipment to the levies. [b]Total Military Fighting Units:[/b] ~160,000 [b]Unit Demographics:[/b] [b]Notable Figures:[/b] [b]Past Wars/Events:[/b] [b]Past Conflicts:[/b] [b]Current Conflicts/Wars:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Other] [b]Artifacts/Famous Enchantments:[/b] [b]Other:[/b] [/hider] [/center] [/hider]