[h2]Saku Rira[/h2] Saku nodded. F7 was a pretty agreeable droid, none of this sticking to protocol stuffiness that some models tended to have. But then again, that varied with their programming. Some were allowed more personality, others kept pretty strictly to their core directives and did very little else. Regardless, she was glad to have one that seemed to agree with her right now. This [i]was[/i] interfering with their duties. She could easily guess it was the hutts being obstructive. They didn't exactly like the New Republic. "This is just... It feels almost painful, sitting up here," Saku replied, folding her arms more firmly accross her chest. She paused for a moment, realizing speaking like that may cause a bit of confusion. "... Before you try and prepare any treatment, that's a metaphor. I'm just tired of waiting." As the droid pitched possible sources of entertainment, Saku cocked her head to one side, blue braids bouncing lightly as she did. Well, at this rate, she might as well... "... Yeah, let's see what you've got," she said, leaning forward and sighing. It was almost the moment she said that when the announcement that they would soon be landing finally came. And indeed, there was that slight disturbance as they entered the atmosphere... Finally! Saku shot to her feet. "Nevermind, we need to get prepared, now!" she said. This had quite simply taken far, far too long. A familiar face strolled into the room a moment later. She knew Gideon decently well, having sparred with him previously in the Dantooine Temple. She was victorious, but he was a reasonably skilled fighter. "My journey has been excessively long and incredibly boring," she said, bluntly, "But we can finally perform our duties as Jedi, Shurima." [hr] The meeting was well underway. Those who had arrived somewhat late received a rather stern look before being allowed to settle in. "Understand," began the woman in the center of the open warehouse, "That not only shall you receive payment, but you shall also receive protection. Your enterprises shall be defended from those glorified rebels as fiercely as we would defend out own installations." [url=http://grognard.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=15546]Tras Oren was a stern woman. Her short, blonde hair was in a tight bun, and what she lacked in stature she made up for in presence.[/url] And while she was not visibly armed, the numerous stormtroopers around her were. She was confident even these criminals would not attempt anything foolish, that was certain. They were just as interested in this deal as the Children of the Emperor were. She didn't have to tell them that, when the New Empire was firmly established and order was destroyed to this chaotic galaxy, they would be eradicated by their new guardians. Grogga the Hutt, an excessively corpulent example of his species, leaned forward. "{How can we believe your word?}" he said, his voice as slimy as his looks. "Simple," she said, swiftly, "Our desire for the items backs up our word. We have come here in force intended not for our own defense, but yours as well. We have offered an impressive price, and have included a few pieces of ordnance I do not believe even your black market possesses." There was murmuring amongst the assorted crime lords. Skull-Face Tyrlon, his head firmly encased in a dark helmet, leaned forward. His voice was a withering hiss as he leaned forward. "You have yourself a deal, Imperial," he began, "We'll transfer the files shortly." Commander Tras Oren gave a cold, sharpened smile. "You won't regret thi-ah?" The trooper her had approached her whispered into her ear. "... There is a New Republic Vessel approaching," she said, with a sigh, "Very well. Blow them out of the sky." There was a wave of outrage amongst the crime lords. Protests included how it would be obvious what they were doing if such retaliation came, how much of a hassle further investigation would be... "Worry not, ladies and gentlemen," she calmly replied, "The rebels are well aware of the Children of the Emperor. When our fighters annihilate them, the blame will be placed solely on us. Think of this as a demonstration of how we will use our assets in your defense." [hr] [h2]Fan Sylo[/h2] Ah, at last, they'd be landing... Fan preferred flight, of course, but regardless, it was good they would soon be going about their mission. After all, they were here to ensure that this meeting of crime lords was not going to be a threat to galactic security. And to determine what the Imperial presence here was like... just what they were doing. As they entered the atmosphere, she heeded the words of the [i]Ardent Liberty[/i]'s pilot and began to bring her X-Wing in line with the hanger to dock... when she suddenly detected incoming ships. Fighters! Her radar was aflare with fighters. Glancing quickly up, she could see them approaching from below, in the distance. TIE Interceptors, the eyeball-like cockpit and twin daggerlike solar collection panels. "We have interceptors incoming!" she cried into the communications. This wasn't any time for hesitation! There was a green flash ahead as TIE Interceptors opened fire, before breaking off in various directions in a bid to surround them.