[hider=Blake] [b]Name[/b]: Blake [b]Age[/b]: 33 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Rank[/b]: Pack Member [b]Skin Description[/b]: [url=http://keyassets-p2.timeincuk.net/wp/prod/wp-content/uploads/sites/30/2015/04/00002c636-Made_in_Chelsea_James-375x500.jpg]Full Body Shot[/url], [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/631800995568295936/ghl3hQf8.jpg]Top Half Close Up[/url] [b]Fur Description[/b]: [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/72/55/cd/7255cd8f84eda9fe4ed153e26fe200e8.jpg]Snarling front on[/url], [url=http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140324041509/wolves-of-yellowstone/images/5/5c/Black-wolf.jpg]Full Body Shot[/url] [b]In-Depth Description[/b]: Blake is a large man, standing at about 6'5" in his human form. His dark hair transfers across into his wolf form, giving him dark brown fur that seems black in some lights. His wolf form has cold pale yellow eyes, bordering grey, which turn into a more blue-grey colour when he's in his human form. He stands at about 50" in his wolf form, filling out well to retain a muscular and bulky form. However, his large size may translate well in terms of strength and power, he lacks the agility many smaller wolves possess, though his stamina takes no hindrance. [b]Basic Personality[/b]: Blake is not a genius by any stretch of imagination, but nor is he stupid. He understands well the things he is used to, but can be slow to grasp new concepts and adjust to new ways of living. He is fiercely protective of his pack, and loyal to them also, but values the survival of the pack over any one of its members. Due to his slower physique, Blake prefers to lie in wait during hunts, let the faster wolves chase the prey to him, before he leaps out from hiding and uses his mass and strong jaws to take down most preys quickly and efficiently. He transfers this hunting technique to many other forms of conflict, including arguments. He is quite happy to watch a debate rage on between other members of the pack, calculating his move, before throwing his weight behind one side of the argument or the other at the opportune moment for maximum impact. [b]Brief History[/b]: Blake has grown cold to other lycanthropes over the past four years, and as such is finding it difficult to adjust back into pack life. He was the second child of the Alphas of the pack he was born into, and grew jealous of the older brother born minutes before him. His older brother had been smaller, weaker and by - Blake's belief - less intelligent than Blake himself. So when their father passed away in a hunting accident when Blake was 29, he attempted to take the position of Alpha for himself. None of the others supported Blake's claim, so instead, Blake attacked his brother during a hunt in their wolf forms. In his mind, Blake was doing what was best for the pack, by not allowing them to have a weak Alpha. The rest of the pack intervened, however, after Blake's brother sustained significant injuries in the fight, and Blake was forced to retreat and flee. He spent several years wandering alone, hunting alone and living alone, before he met the new pack. [b]Extra[/b]: Blake will remain fiercely loyal to the Alphas of his pack as long as he respects their strength. If they were to show signs of weakness, his loyalty could begin to waver and he might begin to question their legitimacy as Alphas... [/hider] [hider=Jace] [b]Name[/b]: Jace [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Rank[/b]: Beta Male (?) [b]Skin Description[/b]: [url=http://ftape.com/media/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/seanopry55-13.jpg]Human Appearance[/url] [b]Fur Description[/b]: [url=http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb4r4kUZdq1rgjr6eo1_1280.jpg]Wolf Appearance[/url] [b]In-Depth Description[/b]: Jace stands at about six foot in height, with brown hair and a tanned complexion. His angular face is often framed by a scruffy light stubby, and his eyes are a hazel-brown colour. In wolf form, he stands at around 46" in height, and has brown mottled fur, threaded with white and some black in places. When in his human form, he is often found wearing jeans, a plain t-shirt and a leather jacket. [b]Basic Personality[/b]: Strong and dependable are two words with come to mind when describing Jace's personality. His loyalty is unwavering, and he believes in honour and doing what is right above all else. He has a strong sense of morality, and likes to think things through rationally before acting on them. He rarely gets angry, though can be quite stubborn at times. [b]Brief History[/b]: [Undecided. I'll probably work it out as the character progresses.] [b]Extra[/b]: Is a fan of classical music, and is quite proficient at playing the piano. [/hider] [hider=Xan] [b]Name[/b]: Alexander, 'Xan' [b]Age[/b]: 20 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Rank[/b]: Pack Member [b]Skin Description[/b]: [url=http://i3.cdnds.net/15/05/618x618/screen-shot-2015-01-30-at-161301.jpg]Human Appearance[/url] [b]Fur Description[/b]: [url=http://40.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0juokHjXq1rpnk7no1_1280.jpg]Wolf Appearance[/url] [b]In-Depth Description[/b]: Xan isn't an overly tall man. Standing at around five foot seven, he is shorter than several of the other males of the pack. This carries across into his wolf form, where he stands at around 43" in height. In his wolf form, his dark human hair becomes a coat of light brown almost ginger fur, though he retains his brown eyes in both forms. [b]Basic Personality[/b]: Timid and a bit of a pushover, Xan is quite happy to go along with whatever everyone else wants to do. He's quite smart, but is scared of getting things wrong a lot of the time, so says nothing. Having only just reached an age where the pack considers him an adult, he's still quite unsure of himself and his place in the pack. [b]Brief History[/b]: [Undecided. I'll probably work it out as the character progresses.][/hider]