Hey guys, so I'm currently working on the interest check for new players, and the way I'm framing it is they will initially have to pick a kingdom to start in, and from there can choose to populate sanctioned areas of those kingdoms however they choose. Some will be appointed overseers of certain territories, others can choose to pledge alligiance to their kingdom, and set off as explorers of the forbidden lands or generals/soldiers of the Kings' armies. Others can work in the castles or be other court royals. Eventually others can earn kingship from their king and can be appointed ruler over one of the other kingdoms/sins, to make up for the other ones we lost as well as for the second group of kings coming from the academy in case that doesn't pan out. Basically open world, so they can populate the kingdoms, while also providing a backdrop for whatever direction we take the rp, that way they can be a part of our mainstoryline, but can also keep a secondary one, to liven up the kingdoms and even add some side stories of their own. That in mind, I would like each of you to give me a little excerpt about your king or queen, in relation to your sin, and the location and important features of your main territory. This way we can give them a little idea of the type of rulers you are, and the ambitions you have for your kingdom. Give them an idea of if you're more geared towards exploring the forbidden lands, or maybe growing your population and keeping the people happy. Ruthless conqueror, hero of the people, or whatever in between I guess. Just whatever you think will appeal to the types of characters you want in your kingdoms. Also if you could make note of any specific roles or characters you want to have filled as necessary to your character. So, if guys want a specific person to be like the kings advisor, grand council members, generals of the armies, Queen's maidens, jester, court royals, whatever you want to join as primary character's to your kingdom. All other character types and roles will be left up to the people who join and then can be approved as they come. Anyway I'm rambling but yeah, just whatever yout need to entice people to your kingdoms.