[i]"Isn't it beautiful, Zolar? All of these visitors are here in our greatness, a show of the Cartel's greatness."[/i] Zolar looked around the large room, filled with at least a hundred people. While he would much prefer looking through a scope deep in the wilderness, the Cartel was something of urban royalty on 3030 and he supposed there were worse jobs. A Rodian approached Gorro, a fiery look in his eye, hand in his pocket. Zolar couldn't help but be amused and whispered to Gorro in Huttese [i]"Get a load of this Nerf-Herder."[/i] The Rodian stopped in front of Gorro, his hand shaking in his pocket and yelled in Rodese [b]":This is for my brother you slime rat!:"[/b] Zolar moved incredibly fast as the Rodian yanked out his blaster pistol. The Gank grabbed onto the rodian's shooting arm with an iron grip and twisted it to the left, hard, causing the Rodian to scream in pain. Zolar then sent a knee into the alien's crotch, which caused the assailant to bend forward. He finished it off with a devastating elbow to the Rodian's spine, dropping the blue alien to his knees. Spinning around, still having his arm in an iron grip, he twisted it and pulled out his blaster pistol. He was now behind the Rodian and aiming his weapon at the back of his head, the foolish alien's arm slowly being fractured by Zolar's strength. The Rodian begin to cry out in pain as his arm was being accosted until Zolar snapped [b][i]":SILENCE!:"[/i][/b] in Rodese, which quickly shut him up and he was reduced to a small whimper. The rest of the room had gone silent, watching the scene. Zolar looked up to Gorro, saying in Huttese [i]"Would you like me to kill this worm?"[/i]