Steve looked to the others his friends and would of course, like everyone, trust Tony's judgement. "All I have to say is, is that you need to be careful Riza. Loki may not be who he was now, but what if he turned around and become who he was years ago? You do not need to answer. Just put that to thought. We are only trying to look out for you as we always have." Rogers told her as if he spoke to her as family. Riza nodded with a smile, glad that they were willing to trust her (well...some of them). Rubbing soothing circles on his back, Thor listened to his sobs and then his apologies. He rubbed the god of mischief's tears from his eyes and cheeks. "It is alright Loki. You needed time to think and be alone. I understood after you had gone. I was upset, I was worried. However the fact you found me to talk and get this all cleared up is a very good thing and I am proud of you. So would mother."