So, I'm reading this thread after some time away from roleplaying. I came back here not to really roleplay, but because I wanted some familiarity in my life that seems to keep changing. I just want to chat, really. One thing I noticed about this somewhat humorous post, is that it's directed mainly towards men. And it just may be my self-loathing personality, but I just so happened to stumble onto this after reading numerous threads on other sites on being ugly, as *gasp* a woman! "Most women date tall guys, most women date handsome guys. Women should approach men more!" This seems to be the consensus on a lot of dating "advice" sites that it's pretty disheartening if you're a female that's not particularly attractive. Not to say that I disagree with this post, but I can never really find one that pertains to me. Many posts like this target the less-than-attractive male and how he should "get the girl", while also giving the impression that women can just pull men with their breasts. I mean, it may happen in animu, but not in real life. All those guys that claim they would lay with any female really wouldn't, unless they were particularly drunk, somewhere in a dark place where no one would see, and they were sure they would never have to meet with her again. My point is that these types of posts [i]sound[/i] right, but really excludes a lot of things, making the advice not really work in real life. Believe me, some guys do see you as desperate when you approach them, especially when you really are desperate and kinda hard to look at.