Real World Name: Katarina Hart Age: 24 Real World Bio: Katarina was blinded by an explosion at an industrial plant near her college that shattered windows and pelted the students with shards of glass. Of all of the injured, Katarina was by far the worst. She had long since moved out on her own, living in another city and already out of touch with her family. She now lives alone with a caretaker that visits on occasion. Her parents visited often at first but then the visits became rare and when the divorce came even a phone call became a rare treat. Oneiros Name: Atropos Appearance: Katarina is tall and thin, typically wearing jeans and a T-shirt with a long sleeve button up shirt. Her hair is long and black, cut to cover the scars on her face as well as possible. As an Oneiros He wears an additional black cloak and usually a blindfold. Underneath thye blindfold her eyes are featureless black spheres. She carries a large pair of shears and a roll of golden thread that cuts through anything but Atropos herself. Oneiros Bio: Atropos is calm and collected, enjoying conversations with others but preferring to not cause any arguements. She absolutely hates needless confrontation and would prefer to admit to being wrong than defend her point of view. She wears the blindfold to protect her sensitive eyes from the light which can cause a great deal of pain and even cause her to wake up. Wearing the blindfold she maintains an awareness of her surroundings that is acute enough for basic interaction and navigation.