[color=Red]Introduction [/color] You are either a citizen of "Battle Village" looking after yourself and/or your family, or someone who has offered to help the citizens. This means that you can start with a character with absolutely NO combat experience, and have your character learn and grow throughout the RP. Battle Village is plagued by attacks every in game day. The days will be split into phases. While there will be a good bit of combat, there will be a fair amount of non-combat role playing. There will be weapons ranging from caveman to futuristic times and there will be magic. But why use a sword when you could use a laser gun? Well, there is a limited number of resources, for one. There will not always be a super cool laser gun to use and you probably won't start out with one. Secondly, what is the point in trying to use a laser gun if you're character is awful with it? If your character has poor marksmanship, they will almost always be better of using the sword. Finally, (and most importantly) Laser guns aren't very customizable or upgradeable. Individuals who use older weapons will probably be primarily focused on enchanting and improving there weapons. With some magical enchantments, a sword could become MUCH more powerful than a laser gun. An individual with a laser gun, while they could upgrade their weapon a little, would spend the majority of the time looking for a better laser gun. This RP will require commitment- It is an advanced RP, however it will be somewhat lighthearted. Expect some silliness. Just because it's advanced doesn't mean it has to be 100% serious. [color=orange]Phases[/color] [b]Phase 1-[/b] Prep: You look over, craft, and scavenge for items, look over the rag tag troops defending the town, occasionally try and recruit more help and barter with the following: a) One of the shop owners (More may be added later on): Amy the Alchemist (Potions) Barry the Blacksmith (Weapons and Armor) Jim and Eric's Groceries (Food) Gerald's General Goods (Random and smaller inventory that is different every day in addition to low quality scavenging gear. Prices are lower. Closed on Caravan Days.) Lionel the Librarian (Training Certain Skills) b) One of the other players c) A trading caravan that will occasionally visit with some limited time items [hider=Salvaging] There are a few methods for scavenging for items: Hunting (Kill some animals and get food and hides) Dumpster Diving (One man's trash is another man's treasure) Fishing (Requires Fishing Equipment) Mining (Requires Mining Equipment) Chop Down Trees (Requires Woodcutting Equipment) [/hider] [hider=Currency] 5 Red Coins= 1 Pink Coin 2 Pink Coins= 1 Orange Coin 10 Orange= 1 Yellow 10 Yellow= 1 Green 10 Green= 1 Blue 10 Blue= 1 Purple 10 Purple= 1 Silver 10 Silver= 1 Gold [/hider] [b]Phase 2-[/b] Training: Level up a skill and learn new techniques! This can be done by: a) Simple- Look it up at the library, free if you have a library card. Can be used to learn skills and basic techniques. b) Moderate- Pay for some training sessions at the library to learn more challenging techniques. Practicing these techniques will require Moderate Training Books that must be purchased from Lionel. c) Advanced- For now, advanced techniques can only be learned from Advanced Training Books, which you can't buy from Lionel. [b]Phase 3-[/b] To Battle!: A group of enemies is summoned to fight. (I'll elaborate on how this will work later.) [color=yellow]Welcome to Battle Village![/color] Battle Village was once a quaint, secluded, and boring village that bordered a large river. It had a blacksmith, a mayor, a movie theater, a bowling alley- basically anything that you could need. Life was good and happy for all the citizens of the town. Except for the mayor. Not only was his job fairly boring, but he never got to pursue his life long dream of becoming a magician. Finally, he went to the local internet cafe and tried to get into magic. There were several interesting types of magic, but most are difficult to learn without formal education. One of these exceptions was Dark Magic (also known as Necromancy, Warlock Shenanigans, and "The Demon and Zombie Summoning Magic That Looks Pretty Dang Cool"). Dark Magic is VERY easy to learn, but quite difficult and dangerous to attempt to master. But the mayor was careful and aware of this issue. He started with very simple things. Collecting animals souls for power, summoning weak skeletons, etc. Soon, he was summoning zombies and skeletons fairly regularly, mostly to do the dishes and mow the lawn. But one day, the mayor that it would be a good idea to summon one of the Thirteen Demon Kings, Unamee, the Demon King of Cruelty, Torture, and Misery. You know those people that decide it's a good idea to pee in the middle urinal? Unamee. You know the guy who always goes "First!" on YouTube videos? Unamee. You know those times when you ruin those nice pair of shoes by stepping on some recently chewed gum that someone inconveniently placed on the sidewalk? Unamee. The mayor thought that since Unamee was trapped in some "eternal sleep" that he was placed in my Fileepo (The World's Bravest Adventurer. Ever. Yes, it says that on his business card) he would be pleased to be woken up and his binds would work and Unamee would do his bidding. Unfortunately, Unamee didn't take to kindly to being woken up. He killed the mayor and fled. Now that Unamee had escaped, he sent a troop of lesser demonic creatures to attack the town from the north. People tried to escape, but failed- to the south there was a river which Unamee had flooded with sea creatures. To the east and west there were impassible mountains. The only way to leave and enter the town was through the skies. Unfortunately, there was no airport. The two dozen guards that defended the town were essentially slaughtered. Only the captain of the guard and two others survived. A group of fighters is flying over to the town to assist the people and evacuate as many as possible. However, Unamee sends more and more creatures and warriors that he magically summons to attack the village. After this onslaught, he will send a troop of enemies to attack the village and each day they will become more and more difficult. Unamee could easily destroy the entire village, but wants to slowly tear it apart, brick by brick... [color=green]Character Creation[/color] [hider=Where Do I come in?] As I mentioned earlier, you will either be someone living in the village (not a guard), someone who has come to aide the village, or perhaps someone who stumbled upon the village on accident (I don't know, there are plenty of other creative ways your character could have stumbled across the village). As for the people being sent in, they are going to fly overhead. [hider=SPOILER] Unamee will blow the plane out of the sky. Naturally, I plan to have all the major characters on the plane survive; essentially this is about getting rid of the civilians' only means of escape, and, as a bonus, there is a little bit of action very early as well. [/hider] [/hider] [u]Character Sheet:[/u] Name: Race: Not limited to what I describe later. Feel free to make up your own race, just PM me if you think of an abstract one not listed below (If it's not brand new and I just haven't talked about it, you don't have to PM me, just ask). Physical Description: Picture not required. Inventory: Weapons and other things your character has. This includes money and property. Fighting Technique: Explain character's weapon preferences (if they have any) and how they fight. Optional if your character has not fought before (citizen of village). If they are a mage, a list of spells they know may be helpful. Strengths: Even if they are a bit odd (e.g. good at chess) Weaknesses: Even if they are a bit odd (e.g. makes bad coffee) Backstory: Include relationships Other Notes: Feel free to put weird stuff here. Combat Experience: Lots of combat experience doesn't necessarily make someone a good fighter Stats: More detail later on these later [hider= C+P CS] Name: Race: Physical Description: Inventory: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other Notes: Combat Experience: Stats: [/hider] [color=Blue]Stats[/color] [u]Level Guide[/u] 1: Character is very weak in the skill and, in the case of magic, can't use it. Feel free to not include magic in your CS if you don't plan for your character to use it at all. 2: Character might have a knack for the skill or has used it a few times before 3: Character is pretty good at the skill 4: Character is great it the skill 5: Character is particularly excellent at the skill [b]Physical:[/b] Strength: Speed: Vitality: Accuracy (Long- Range weapons): Fighting (Melee weapons): Mechanical Know-how: Forging: Taming: Alchemy: Scavenging: Stealth: Intellect: (Who knows? Maybe something attacking you will stop if you can tell them the capital of Nebraska.) [b]Magic:[/b] Elemental: [i]Fire:[/i] Can be combined with the other elemental magics Fire + Water = Smoke/ Steam Fire + Air = Lightning Fire + Earth= Lava [i]Water:[/i] Includes Ice [i]Air:[/i] Includes Storms and Paralysis [i]Earth:[/i] Helps when making Golems and Earthquakes [i]Energy:[/i] Pure blasts of raw energy. Perhaps the most simple magic. Easy to learn, hard to master. Conjuration: [i]Golemancy:[/i] Can make Energy Golems. Energy Golems are fairly tough, but they can be modified with different materials (Sand, Stone, Metal, even Feathers). As a character gets better at Golemancy, the learn how to make stronger and stronger Energy Golems and more ways to modify their Golems. [i]Necromancy:[/i] [i]Pure Conjuration:[/i] Pure Conjuration is very strange. You think of something you want to help you in a situation and it will appear. However, you have little control over what appears. For example, you want to conjure something to get you to a certain place faster. It could be a horse or a tricycle. This is what Unamee is using to attack you. Healing: Illusion: Includes Teleportation Enchanting: Make weapons and items more powerful, some very skilled enchanters can enchant weapons temporarily during combat. [b]Other:[/b] Music Playing: I don't know why you would want to have good music playing skills (Ok, maybe I do ;D) Leadership and Recruiting: Inspire troops and people to help. Certain leaders know special magical words that can improve multiple people at once. [color=purple]Races[/color] Humans: Humans tend to be a tad suspicious of other races. However, this has little to do with racism. It is mostly because they live in little secluded villages. Battle Village is one such village. Mountain and Forest Elves: Mountain Elves look very similar to the ones in The Lord of The Rings series. They live in the on large kingdom until they are ten years old, and then they are sent off into the mountains to join a nomadic group of five. The groups of five always contain a swordsman, archer, a skilled enchanter/leader, a quartermaster and/or apprentice, and a Mage who knows fire and/or earth elemental magic. When they turn thirteen, they either choose to become to remain the group's quartermaster, acting as a craftsman/tinkerer of sorts, or leave to join or, more commonly, create a new group of five, filling in one of the other roles. Forest Elves, also known as Trolls, are the ones that look like the ones that live in Santa's workshop, with the exception of their razor sharp teeth. Since Mountain Elves refuse to speak anything but their native language (with some exceptions), and don't like to teach other races how to speak Elvish, sometimes they will keep Forest Elves around as translators, considering them to be "half-elves." Forest Elves are cursed with being constantly hungry, and they will and can eat basically anything. While Mountain Elves hate communicating with other species, Forest Elves tend to fear all species, especially if they are kind- they fear becoming too hungry and eating one. However, some cruel and nasty Forest Elves won't hesitate to eat anyone. But most Forest Elves are doomed to lives of loneliness and fear. They only meet up very briefly to mate, fearful of accidentally eating or being eaten by their partners. Dwarves, Gnomes, Goblins, Orcs, and Ogres: Dwarves are simply smaller humans. There are fewer Dwarven cities than human ones, however the Dwarven cities tend to have populations that are much higher. The largest city in the world is Dwarven. Ogres are seven foot tall monstrosities that usually rule of most cities. These cities are called. Ogres actually get along very well with most species, except for other Ogres. Usually, they breed with other species. Whenever an Ogre breeds with a Dwarf the give birth to a Goblin. Whenever an Ogre breeds with an Elf, Goblin, or Human, the result is an Orc. Ogres are only born as a result of an Ogre and an Orc or other Ogre mating. Usually, Ogres abandon any children they have, feeling that if they can live independently, then they deserve to live. Surprisingly, most Ogres survive one way or another. Some live secluded lives in the wilderness, and some are taken in by other species. One important things to Ogres is skin color. Most have a mixture of different skin colors (A murky blue and orange mixture, for example). However, certain skin colors are more rare, like a completely yellow skin color. Any offspring of the Ogre, except for other Ogres, will have the same skin color. Goblins don't live very long. Most die by the age of twenty. They mature more rapidly but as a result, most are completely devoted to their parents for their entire lives. Some Ogres will have hundreds of Goblin children who act as servants. Any Goblins that are offspring of a Goblin and a non-Goblin are guaranteed to have a life half of the length of their father. [Hider=Goblin Mating... yay...] Male Goblin + Female Orc= 50% Orc 50% Goblin Male Orc + Female Goblin= Orc Male Goblin + Female Dwarf= 50% Gnome 50% Goblin Male Dwarf + Female Goblin= Gnome [/hider] Gnomes look very similar to Dwarves, with the exception of having hair the color of their father's Goblin parent's skin. They typically live with Dwarves in Dwarven cities. Frugber: Frugbers look the same as humans, but they have mutations. This is a result of a twisted wizards experiments ages ago. Limb Frugbers (about half of them) have detachable limbs. They can even remove their heads without any issues. Another half, Animal Frugbers, are mostly human with animal properties, like snake skin or a bird head. Most try and lead normal lives, hiding among other humans, especially Limb Frugbers. Some abandon those hopes and just make the best of their mutation. Seed-People: Seed People are exactly like normal humans with one major difference. They have a little pockets in the back of their necks that contain fist sized seeds. Whenever a Seed-person dies, their seed can be planted in the ground for them to be reborn at the age they first died at. However, they aren't immortal. They can die as a result of their seed being corrupted from poison or age, or from their seed being crushed. They all live in one huge city known as Dugadawn, where magic is completely outlawed. In order to become king, you must defeat the current king in a duel and replant his seed. All nobility ranks and status is one by dueling. Every item that anyone owns (noble titles, children, wife, house, cars, etc.) all comes from winning duels. They have very specific rules and regulations to these duels, and a whole counsel full of Seed-People who vote on these rules. Destroying a seed of one of these Seed-People or intentionally avoiding planting a seed results in every single Seed-Person's seed quivering. Any that have met the person will know the name of the neglected or destroyed individual's seed. There is a group of assassins known as The Thorn Bush that chases after any who destroy a seed. Seed destruction is punishable by death.