[hider=Seeker] Name: Seeker Age: 19 Species: Shiekah Appearance:[hider=Image][img]http://i.imgur.com/ARalmZd.png[/img][/hider] He stands roughly 5 feet 10 inches, and weighs around 160 pounds, most of it muscle. The eye symbol of the Shiekah tribe is sewn into the back of his shirt, as he proudly advertises his identity despite the penchant of his people to be secretive. Weapons and Equipment: A pair of light steel vambraces attached to his gloves, and greaves with a similar design attached to a pair of shin-high leather boots. These mostly serve as protection; in terms of weaponry, Seeker uses his own body and a variety of martial arts skills. Skills: +Shadow Sage Fist - An ancient martial arts style dating back to a much earlier age, when the tribe of shadows still protected the royal family. Though some of it has been lost over the years, Seeker has made it his goal to continue developing it. His personal style is highly offensive in nature--likely because of his personality--as opposed to the more stealth based arts the Shiekah are known for. He prefers "bladed hand" and "open palm" style strikes, while his kicks focus on being fast and precise. +Stealth and Mobility - Despite his preference, Seeker is still very capable of moving silently, swiftly, and with agility. Things like jumping from rooftops or climbing walls are familiar to him, and with his athletic ability he can do it at a speed and height most wouldn't be comfortable with. Most of the time, however, he prefers the direct approach. +Truth Sense - Though it's certainly not 100% accurate, and sometimes may not even trigger, Seeker has a certain "sense" for things. He may react as if he has felt a rumbling in the earth when secrets are about, or if he squints just right a magical illusion might waver for a moment. He might even feel the "killing intent" of an enemy moments before they strike. However, this isn't a well practiced or developed skill, and in order for the predictions to do any good he has to be capable of reacting to them with his own natural speed and reflexes. +Show Off - Seeker's excellent, paradoxically enough, at making a big show of himself. Whether it's a conversation to jump right into, a challenge to be overcome, or a lady to woo, he won't hesitate at all. Whether or not he's successful is up in the air, but you can bet he'll make a scene to remember. Flaws: -Complete Idiot - When it comes to fighting, or even some forms of social interaction, Seeker can do okay. Technology? Books? Math? Common Sense? To hell with that. -Womanizer - Honestly that makes him sound a little worse than he is, but the fact of the matter is that Seeker will hit on practically any woman he comes across relentlessly and doesn't often take a hint. Even if he were able to land a date, he's still not very faithful and his eye wanders so much it's like he looks in two different directions at once. -Blood Knight - Loves a good fight, too much to be healthy. It's less about hurting people and more about overcoming challenges and testing his skills. That's actually worse in a way because he will actively seek out and continuously pester his would-be opponents, even after they've already fought once. Yet if he doesn't deem someone as "strong," it's almost worse because he becomes a really condescending prick. -Overconfident/Impulsive - It has to be said that he definitely has some skill, but nonetheless he'll brashly and boldly take risks without bothering to think about whether or not he can actually walk the talk. Bio: Seeker keeps his past under wraps for the most part, but from what can be gathered it seems he's one of the few remaining Shiekah and was born in a hidden village (not the one near Kakariko). He grew up and was trained there, and this partially accounts for how ignorant he is of the outside world, as he only recently left. But already he's begun making a name for himself, scouring bars and other slummy hangouts for a good fight, and doing a little bit of mercenary work as well. He's always trying to score with one lady or another, and at first glance this just seems like the behavior of a chauvinistic pig. But the truth is, the Shiekah are truly dying out. Even when one includes those of mixed blood in the clan, Seeker is one of the last--possibly THE last--males of his tribe. This is the mission he was given by those left in his village: Continue the bloodline of the tribe, and restore them to their former glory. Revive their culture, by seeking the ancient artifacts of shadows and truth, and bring glory once more to the name of the Shiekah. So he travels, and he fights, and he flirts. True to his name, he seeks, but this is one Shiekah who refuses to fade quietly into the darkness. When he heard that the Queen sought the help of would-be Heroes, he saw it as a perfect opportunity. If he could become a bodyguard for the Royal Family, just like his ancestors, perhaps it would be the next step he needed on the road to glory. Maybe then the girls would pay attention to him. [/hider]