[hider=Wylin] [center][IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/29bdb80.jpg[/IMG] 5'6" and despite her average build she has plenty of muscle and with it strength. Her hair is an dirty blond and her eyes are grey. She has a full body armor suit as shown which she wears in battle. Out side of that she often wears a simple leather chest plate, pants, and a cloak. Name: Wylin Nordin Age: 23 Species: Hylian Weapons and Equipment: Broadsword: Belonged to her father, she carries it more as a remembrance Double sided Halberd: Her preferred weapon and family heirloom Nordin Armor: Family specialty, lightweight but durable and insulated. Unfortunately it does cause discomfort in warm climates Skills: Weaponry skills: She is skilled with the heavy stuff, swords and spears especially. Daggers and other smaller blades are really not her forte, her aim is alright. Blacksmithing/repair: While not the greatest craftsman out there she can make some repairs and knows how to care for weapons, in fact she often insists on caring for them Wit/Banter: damn right its a skill Flaws: Guilt: For all the lives taken an people hurt, it is her belief that she had a choice to spare them but she was too weak to make it, she also feels responsible for the collapse of her family and their deaths. Cynical: Wylin doesn't have much faith in morality of her self or others. Alcoholism: A bad habit taken up to calm her mind when she can't sleep. Bio: [hider=Bio] For as long as anyone can remember the Nordin family has crafted weapons from their home at the base of the snow peak mountains. Beautiful weapons made of snowpeak metal, a material cold as ice and difficult to work with. As far as Hylian weapons went theirs were some of the best. Naturally, blacksmithing was the family tradition and trade, one Wylin could not say she excelled at. Her brother had once, but she was always better at using and caring for the weapons. It came naturally to her, the strength that she needed to lift such heavy weapons didn't. Not to say Wylin was weak, considering her age and size she was strong but not strong enough, not for a while. With age came greater strength, augmented by her training, the Nordin's would find her able to use the family weapons at a much younger age than expected. She showed skill with war hammers and in sword play but her true gift was in spears. As such it was to no one's surprise when she claimed an old family heirloom, a double sided halberd, as her own. It wouldn't be long until her family couldn't keep up with her progress. From that point on much of her training would come from visiting warriors in the business for a Nordin weapon. It was in that early part of her life that Wylin dreamed of becoming a knight of Hyrule, protecting people and stopping evil. She had drive and determination then, hope and optimism too. That would all change in the short span of a few days. Wylin assumes it happened in the middle of the night during the summer of her 15th year, based on speculation as she was not there at the time. Restless, Wylin had set off to a secluded clearing where she frequently trained and blew off steam away from her family and the house. Hours passed, she lost track of time and was startled to see the sun begin to rise. Wylin headed home expecting a lecture, she found something much more horrifying. The house was a pile of smoking rubble, every thing was gone except for the armor and halberd she had with her and her father's sword. He took it to the grave with him, protecting his family, like she should have been. That morning she buried her family. For a short time she refused to move or help herself, at the time she had wanted to die but life had something else in store for her Two days after the attack a traveler looking for the Nordin family found her, the man was no saint and its likely he would have let her die if he hadn't thought she could tell him where her family's weapons had gone. As soon as she was well enough to talk the man interrogated her, when she revealed she had nothing for him but what was left he took her father's sword and was going to leave her to die but he stopped and did the only act of kindness she had ever witnessed from him. He asked her if she was any good at fighting, she told him she was the best in her family. Skeptical, he then asked her why she had been unable to protect her family. She hadn't been there and told him as much. After a moment he told her she was now his apprentice and if she was lying about her skill or disobeyed him that she was going to wish she had died with the rest of her family. That was the only promise she ever trusted him to keep. This man, her new 'mentor', was mercenary and not the good kind. Morality meant nothing to him, neither did lives. He was driven by only one thing, money. To that extent he was trustworthy, he would always get the job done. No extraneous questions or going back on deals. Even though she hated him Wylin learned a thing or two from him about people and how to stay alive in a business as violent as theirs. The jobs they took were never clean, only dirty jobs paid enough to be worth taking. Sometimes they took jobs for bandits, infiltrating towns and weakening them. Sometimes they took jobs for corrupt mayors, taking care of families who refused to pay ridiculous taxes. Sometimes their targets wouldn't even fight back, that was when her mentor had her do the dirty work for him. He was a terrible man but whatever scrap of a conscious he had was bothered by killing defenseless beings. Wylin had no choice to follow, the few times she dissented all ended horribly. This lasted for three years and would have gone on longer if not for a fateful injury. A job had gone south and her mentor had taken an arrow to the side. He was unable to continue fighting, he ordered her to finish the job but her chance had arrived. He sensed her anger and tried to plead with her, he had saved her life after all. For that she was grateful, his death was a quick one. Though she was free she was lost, with out a purpose she disappeared from all civilization for a few months. Wylin would return, stronger and with the determination to balance at least some of the the evil she had done with good. She could never be a knight but she could help people. She took only clean jobs and refused any payment besides the bare minimum for necessities. Wylin may never forgive herself but its likely she'll die trying. Her family died 8 years ago, she killed her 'mentor' 5 years ago and now the land she once terrorized calls her to save them, the situation must have been worse than she thought.[/hider][/center] [/hider]