(I really wanted to wait for Aristro to call Marlene off, but I suppose the regular MPs would be just as super-effective) [hr] Marlene was stopped from maintaining her blocking-post between the headquarters and the 'ports by a very loud, very angry buzzing sound; indicating her mech was being very brightly "painted" on several radar-scopes, followed by a stern warning from the port-authority to cease and desist, the local authorites would take-over from there... Shrugging in defeat, knowing their foe was likely to be long-gone, hopped off from the parking-ramp and went to assist in recovering Sarah's battered frame. [i]Later:[/i] Marlene woke-up from her spot in the halls just outside the infirmary to a shrill cry of [color=8493ca]“KILL THE FUCKERS!”[/color], a loud clattering, and [color=8493ca]“BASTARDS!”[/color]; she bolted into the room, only to see Sarah collapsed on the floor beside her hospital-bed; it did not take a genious to figure out what happened. [color=f7976a]"Take it easy. You took a large gash to your tender bits."[/color] She said as she calmly walked-over and offered to help the frail little bundle of mayhem to her feet. [color=f7976a]"Do you remember what day it is?"[/color] She asked, a bit more concern showing.