The bright emerald eyes of the information broker twinkled as he smiled at Esmeralda. They twitched from the tightening grip around her fork to the forced smile she pressed across her full lips. He had her in a bit of a bind. He smirked and pulled at the sleeves of his shirt, the red fabric poking through his suit jacket. This happened to be a misdirection he had developed over years, it was rumoured that when Nick pulled at his sleeves, he was nervous. Nick was never nervous. Always needing the upper hand, Nick pressed forward “I understand that you don’t do interviews, Miss Cardona...Can I call you Esmeralda?” He pried with a gentle smile “but I assure you this is not an interview” he tapped at his tablet a few times, pulling up some CCTV footage he had stored on the device. The footage loaded and he scrubbed through the footage. The dark grainy footage showed a group of men, one of whom was lying in a pool of blood. The others were still beating on the corpse. Nick pushed the tablet around towards the Underboss “It's more of a warning” he zoomed in on the faces “They are boys of yours...beating up and killing a cop right?” he sighed softly “I’d suggest you talk to them…” Nick stopped the footage and clasped her hand, his rings once more glinting softly in the light “Esmeralda, I’d prefer this to not be a bad there anything you’d like off me at this time?” Nick smiled at her.