Basically: 1) [URL=]Men prefer women who have lighter skin, who have large breasts, who have facial features that are symmetrical, who have a lower waist-to-hip ratio, and who have blond hair. [/URL] All five of the aforementioned physical characteristics covey to a man that a woman with such features is comparatively suitable for bearing children and that she is genetically sound. On a primal basis, the ultimate goal of most men is to perpetuate their genetic lineage. They run in political races, wage war upon alien tribes, topple civilizations, and invent novel technological wonders to garner the social recognition of their female counterparts. Male-male competition is literally about securing reproductive access to women. You see this same type of seemingly buffoonish carnal behavior in just about every mammalian species out there. [URL=]Lions[/URL] do it, [URL=]gorillas[/URL] do it, and [URL=]elephants[/URL] do it. Isn't natural selection just grand? 2) Women are attracted to males who are tall, who are wide-shouldered, who have narrow waists, who are well-muscled, and who are assertive. Males who control status and an ample integer of material assets and resources are [i]exceedingly[/i] magnetic to female onlookers. These males subtly signal to interested female partners that they wield the capacity to protect them from physical threats, are more than capable of providing for women and their offspring, and possess advantageous alleles that will give their progeny an advantageous boon in the genetic lottery. Celebrity [URL=]Ashton Kutcher[/URL], for example, is everything that your bog-standard woman would want in a mate: he is tall, he is accomplished, he has nice shoulders, he is internationally renowned, and he is presumably in good physical and mental health. 3) [URL=]Looks are not subjective[/URL]. This nonsensical myth has been debunked by multiple scientific studies and [URL=]peer-reviewed[/URL] [URL=]literature[/URL]. If you still don't believe the experts, then think back to high school. Why did the jocks and frat boys [i]always [/i]seem to have a swelling harem of young, swooning adolescent girls flocking around in their immediate orbits? For more information, [URL=]check out the Wikipedia article[/URL]. Heed the references listed at the bottom of the page. If someone tells you that looks don't matter and that just "being yourself" will score you some action from the opposite sex, realize that you are being lied to. Being a man of diminutive stature, mediocre facial attractiveness, and a passive personality means that I'm likely fated to fail when competing against [URL=]this[/URL]. But at the end of the day, it is what it is. Short of some sort of science fiction-like neurological surgery, you can't change human nature. [img][/img] The only difference between myself and other short dudes is that I don't lust profoundly over the attention of women. I understand that, on average, they're not going to want me unless I'm the last pick of the line and that their biological clocks are on the very cusp of running out. I guess that's what tends to happen when you come to the glacial realization that you were straight up Darwin'd the very moment you were conceived.