Here we are.....lemme know what you lads think. NAME: Liam Carter APPEARANCE: Liam stands at six feet tall with well toned muscles. He has sharp features and looks a little rugged, with black hair and dark brown eyes. he also has many tiny scars littering his body from fights and his fathers abuse. He usually wears an old white shirt with a black vest and tie when not working whilst on duty he just wears simple khaki pants and a singlet. ABSTRACT: The Happy Nobody. DETAIL: Liam was born to a loving mother and a not so loving father in the slums. Carter learned the beauty of everything and everyone from his mother. He learned that even the most evil of people have some good in them, even if everyone does not see it and that beauty too lived in everyone and everything. But the most important thing he learned from his mother was curiosity and happiness. Liam could never understand how no matter what his father did to her or him, she would always smile and laugh. He learned what the saying “live life to the fullest” truly meant when he was with his mother. She was always looking for something new to learn or discover whilst keeping the biggest smile Liam has seen to this day. From his father however, He learned just how vile a human can be and how low one can stoop. His father always thought of Liam as a mistake for a reason still unknown to him. Every night his father would come home, only to beat him and even his mother if she tried to protect him. Liam learned how to absorb pain from his father and how everything that is handheld is weapon in a fight. He learned that in a fight anything goes and that when you fight, you fight to kill. As the years went on many things happened to Liam that made him stronger, harder, and at times even ruthless. Finally at the age of fifteen he went to work as a blacksmiths apprentice due to an extreme shortage of money. For five years this blacksmith looked after Liam, showing him the ways of the forge and even giving him his old equipment and teaching him how to use them properly. As much as Carter loved working the forge, he knew his heart lay in some other field of work. Writing. The curiosity and imagination of his mother rubbed off on Liam as he realized that he wanted to work towards writing a fictional book set in a world of his creation. So everyday he wrote, thinking of some new race or species or kingdom that would fit in his world. At the age of twenty however things took a turn for the worst when it was found out that his father had gotten into a rather massive amount of debt and Liam was going to have to pay it off by working on the wall. So that is where Liam has been for three years, Working both on the wall and in his masters forge when he has the time. And no matter how many things go wrong Liam remembers the promise he made to himself and to his mother….that no matter how bad things get, he must always smile and focus on the good in this world rather than the bad. MAGICAL INVENTORY: N/A INVENTORY: Brown Military Greatcoat Pepperbox Rifle Heavy Calvary Sabre Notebook of…..well Notes about his fictional world.