[i]'So, he sees Peter as a little brother, as family. I suppose that explains the kiss in this case, however then where does that have me standing? He has not kissed me like that, however. . .'[/i] The little affections filter through his head as he continues listening to Alessandro. [i]'A job that was frowned upon? I can think of a few, though they do not seem to be important to the prince so I can leave that information aside for now. I may want to ask Peter himself later in case it has potential of bringing harm to him or the prince. I am charged with guarding him as well, and if had anything to do with him leaving the palace'[/i] He recalls the prince asking him to stay on the grounds for the night and concludes that the boy's absence is indeed a security risk and he will have to talk to Peter later about his evening activities. He shakes his head slowly even though the prince can't see it when he warns against wearing himself out. “I am quite upset at the moment, and as such I am overflowing my small well of magic I usually have. It needs direction. This will help. Otherwise I would need to find somewhere else to release it. To tell the truth, this is the safest way I can think of, and the most productive to my duties.” When he finishes with the medicine Rei corks the bottle and sets it aside along with the cloth. Sitting back on his heels he reaching out, his magic still flowing, and ever so gently uses direct contact to do a little more good as the prince relaxes into his pillow. He continues to think over the affections and protectiveness the man has shown, for both him and Peter, and his insides seem to flicker oddly. His curiosity crackles and races about his body as usual, but along side that feeling is an odd ache he doesn't recognize and for now decides it has something to do with what has just happened. When the prince speaks again, his fingers still for a moment before continuing their paths around his back. As to not wipe away the slick medicine he runs his fingers along the unmarred skin beside each wound, willing them to at the least feel better, and at most, heal more quickly. Humming softly he thinks about the question for a moment before trying to form words around his thoughts. “As I have said in the past, there are many things I do not understand due to my upbringing and continues estrangement from my people even as I live among them.” He wants to make sure that Alessandro understand where he's coming from with his curious thoughts before going on. “And when I first met you, one of the things that most caught my eye was your protectiveness of the little one, Peter, though I did not know that was his name at the time.” Humming again he runs his his fingers just under the back of the prince's neck, trying to work on a wound splitting the flesh there. “Since coming here I have seen you show protectiveness for only a few, and it is for that same few that you show what I recognize as affections.” Looking at the back of the man's head he begins listing the people he noticed. “The old man in the tower, your younger sibling, Peter, and the boy in the book store.” At last satisfied that he's covered every wound twice he sits back, rubbing his hands on his pants to get rid of some of the residue. He doesn't get off the bed however, simply sits there on his feet, looking down at the prince. “Over all, this is understandable to me.” he goes on, his voice soft and still with a note of curiosity he always seems to have when discussing odd matters with the prince. “You have known them for a time, they have done things for you, and you for them. You have a relationship with them that is positive in nature, and they care for you as you care for them. . .” he hesitates for a moment and adds, “As far as I can tell, though I may be wrong as I am not the best at identifying emotions.” Shifting a little so he's now sitting cross-legged he continues staring at the prince, his eyes barely flickering now that he's used up most of his ire. “I understand them, for the most part, or so I believe, however there is one other person you show affection to, near to the same degree as you do the others that I do [i]not[/i] understand.” He's pretty sure the prince can guess where he's going, but not one for misunderstandings, he spell it out anyways. “Me.” Shifting to get a bit more comfortable he tilts his head to the side curiously. “You touch my hair and other parts of me, you held me, and now you have kissed me.” His mind flickers to the press of lips to his crown and he blinks slowly. “While I have no objections to these affections, I have come to wonder why you show them to someone who not only has tried to kill you, but who does not have the right. . .” he searches for the right word, “capacity, to return them.” he tilts his head to the other side, still trying to work it all out. “I do not deny that I found enjoyment in being held, and I feel a bit more relaxed after you play with my hair or pat my head. The kiss was strange, though not unpleasant, however, again, I do not have anything within me to return to you. My strongest feelings towards you are. . .Protective really. Anger at those around you who seek to harm you, admiration for your honorableness, and curiosity for the many aspects of being I simply do not understand.” He reaches up and touches his own fringes, feeling none of the comfort that comes from having Alessandro touch them. “Like how a simply touch can invoke good feelings. I know the touch of cold steel can invoke fear, I learned that young, and how a hand at your throat could to the same.” Looking back at the prince he lets out a slow breath. “However, your affections, they bring up in me other feelings, and I do not even understand why you show them. I do you a service, I keep you safe. By my own understanding I should be seen as nothing more than a guard dog, logically, however I do not see you dying for a beast, so. . . .I am simply confused by the whole thing. I like the affections, however I can not reciprocate, and I do not understand why you show them, especially since I can not return them, and most especially since I have barely known you for over a week, and only a few of those were full days together. . .” Letting out a long sigh he falls silent, staring at the prince with curiosity, a longing to know, to understand that looks very much like any other look of longing.