The deed is done! Not as detailed as I would like, but I want to try fleshing that out with the RP. ^_^ [hider=Sabrina] [img][/img] [b]Name[/b]: Sabrina De Luca [b]Nicknames/Aliases[/b]: Cappuccino, Fangs, Snark Queen [b]X-Men Code Name[/b]: Arachne [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 16 [b]Physical Description[/b]: Sabrina stands exactly six feet tall, with a curvy amazonian build to match it, and as I'm sure you've noticed at this point, she bears a striking resemblance to arachnids of the [i]Theraphosidae[/i] family. In layman's terms, she's a mutant tarantula girl, complete with coffee-toned "fur", a pair of talons on each foot, fangs on either side of a mouth full of sharp teeth, and extra pairs of eyes and arms to boot. She likes to style the fur on her head so it resembles a short hairdo, and she tends to wear lighter casual clothes, favoring a simple pairing of loose jeans a tank top. She doesn't wear shoes since she has yet to find a pair that fit her, and she's more comfortable without them anyway. [b]Mutations[/b]: Sabrina's elaborate mutation has given her many of the attributes of a predatory arachnid. Her agility and reflexes are drastically heightened as a result, but she's no pushover when it comes to raw power either, and she has four muscular arms to prove her point for her. She also has a tough leathery exoskeleton hiding under that fur, and her bones are so sturdy that she can leave indents in steel with those impressive teeth of hers. It's also worth noting that she is able to cling to smooth surfaces with ease, and she can see in infared in addition to her normal vision. Those sharp fangs on the side of her face produce venom as well, but it is barely even debilitating, let alone lethal. At worst, you'll get a feeling comparable to your leg waking up after it falls asleep. Sabrina's somewhat bulky three-fingered hands make using devices like computers and phones tricky, however, and she's highly susceptible to bright flashes of light. [b]Personality[/b]: Despite her outlandish and monstrous appearance, you'd have trouble finding someone half as friendly or approachable as Sabrina De Luca. Carefree and laid-back, the self-proclaimed "Queen of Snark" always seems to respond to every crisis with a flippant remark or clever pun, and there's nothing she enjoys more then giving her friends a good ribbing every once in a while. She can sometimes be a little careless or overconfident as a result, but when things look bleak, you can always count on Sabrina to get you through with an endless barrage of flirtatious behavior and witty retorts. She's an idealist and an optimist to the core, and behind all the snark and silliness is someone who will stop at nothing to do what's right. Sabrina can speak English and Italian fluently, and understands a bit of French and Spanish as well from her childhood. She's also a carnivore due to her mutation, and can't really eat any plant material besides some grains and fruits without becoming violently sick. [b]Background[/b]: Sabrina was born in the town of Costa Grazie in southern Italy, a modest town whose beachfronts and natural beauty made it a bustling tourist destination for all classes of people. Her mother passed away when she was young, and her father was the local manager for a multi-national hotel chain with a location in the town. Sabrina was his only child, and she has fond memories of playing in the hotel lobby and meeting all sorts of interesting and friendly people from all over the world visiting her little town. She was happy, she was doing well in school, and she made friends easily with the other kids in her town. Life was simple, at least until she turned 11 and sprouted an extra pair of arms. Sabrina's father was no fool, and he quickly realized that the extra arms marked his daughter as a mutant. He tried to keep the situation quiet for his daughter's sake, but in a small town like Costa Grazie, things didn't stay secret for long. Sabrina was eventually outed as a mutant, and while a few people avoided her afterwards, most of the people in town accepted her just as they always did. She managed to live a relatively normal life in spite of the extra arms for a few years and had even started doing odd jobs at the hotel her father ran before the inevitable happened. A rumor involving a mutant suspected of a murder in Corsica had been spreading through the area, and by the time the sensationalized story had reached Costa Grazie, it was enough to push the people in the town that were scared of mutants over the edge. The details of the incident were covered up, but in the aftermath Sabrina's mutation had evolved to the point where it is today, and her father had been given a new position at a resort in Virginia, far away from her home town. Sabrina's father was still worried about what would happen if his daughter was discover here and was thinking of a place she could go to be safe and still make friends and interact with others like she used to, as the homeschooling and isolation wasn't exactly working out for the outgoing Sabrina. As luck would have it, he was thinking about this conundrum when one of his wealthy guests mentioned a mutant school being run by one of their associates, a man named Malcom Ashford. He quickly made contact with the school to set up Sabrina's tutelage, and the rest, as they say, is history. [b]Recap of your mutations awakening:[/b] The final progression of her mutation...isn't something Sabrina likes to discuss. Let's just say it involved a significant amount of trauma for now, and leave it at that. (I can PM this to the GM if they want to know ahead of time, though) [b]Theme song:[/b] [url=]Just for fun ;)[/url] [/hider]