[center][h2][i][color=black]| Thorn |[/color][/i][/h2][/center] [sub][center][b]Location:[/b] [i]East of Gallowsford[/i][/center][/sub] Thorn did a quick count of the numbers before him. By his estimate, they were roughly a hundred men, comprised mostly of lesser undead. He couldn't see any more Revenants in the army, asides the one approaching him now. So it was a contingent independent of the more powerful Wraith's and Revenants; in other words, what was commonly known among them as an 'upstart'. Thorn's eyes trained on the one Revenant of the group, most likely their leader. He was the prototypical Revenant. Proud, powerful, and ever domineering. It was no wonder that their kind could so easily command the lesser undead to their bidding. [color=black][i]Wait . . .. [i]their[/i] kind? What?[/i][/color] Thorn looked forward, and his vision blurred red. Undead! What were they doing here?! And where was he? This place looked like the forest near Actium, but the trees were too grey. It can't be that he was separated from the rest of the troop. Thorn readied his mace and steered his horse backwards and did a quick count of the foes in front of him. Nearly a hundred undead, with a Revenant at the helm. He narrowed his eyes at the prospects of having to fight them all. At best, he'd manage to bring down half of them before going down himself, and at worst, he could be killed and resurrected - not a fate he was eager to have. The best strategy right now would be to retreat, but - His head jerked back violently, and Thorn returned to the present, and gave a low, tired sigh. It had happened again. At least, it had not happened in the middle of combat. Those times were the worst. Shaking his head, Thorn brought steadfast forward to meet with the fellow Revenant coming to him. [color=black]"Hold, that's far enough,"[/color] he said, once the distance between them had shrunk enough for him to be heard without raising his voice. [color=black]"I'll forestall pleasantries for now and get straight to the point: What is your business here?"[/color] His hollow voice was stern and clear, echoing across the silence of the forest. Thorn watched the other Revenant closely, monitoring his every movement. Most of them were prideful and oftentimes not keen on his attitude - they all of them demanded respect that came at no price; as if Thorn would have given it - and as a consequence, usually attacked him at this point. He put them out of their misery quickly afterwards.