[center] Such a voyage was not something anyone would consider easy or pleasant, most would avoid it without hesitation given the chance, especially considering the ship’s destination. Reynald was not one of them. The voyage may not be easy but a true brother of the Order would see it as a trifle matter in comparison with their holy mission. It may not be pleasant but such things were utterly irrelevant. This voyage simply fulfilled its purpose, it brought them to their destination and that is it, other matters such as it’s comfort were of no concern, at least not for him. The gentle rocking of the ship as it moved through and with the waves of the sea could be felt under the hull, where the make-shift living quarters and its occupants could be found, a mark that they were close to their destination. Reynald felt a slight jolt of excitement pass through him at the thought of setting foot on the forsaken land of Aldergard. He would soon see with his own eyes the ravages of magic and the final consequence of fools trying to hinder the Order’s efforts of purging these unnatural weavers of chaos and corruption known as ‘mages’ or ‘witches’. If anything, the events of Aldergard should have proven once and for all that the Order is the world’s best chance and hope for survival, yet surprisingly they have nowhere near the support he would have expected. A frustrating sigh escaped him at the thought. Reynald was sat down, leaning with his back against the wall, his trusty Claymore cradled in his arms and leaned against his shoulder. He stood in the same position and in the same spot for the gross majority of the journey, occasionally getting up and shifting locations for various reasons but rarely. His hands were paired together, cracking the joints of his fingers yet careful not to make any noticeable noises. His armored mask and the hood of his coat hid his visage as he silently observed the other Initiates, his brothers and sisters of the Order. He assumed each of them were quite skilled in some area or another, otherwise they wouldn’t be on this expedition, yet it was not their skill that Reynald would hold in question but their faith. It still felt odd to him thinking that there were members of the Order who were lacking in their dedication to the Almighty and the Order’s sacred mission, yet he witnessed some examples himself, assuming that mayhaps they did not receive sufficient training and teaching, or perhaps they were shrinking from them. Hopefully those present here were not the sort, yet Reynald wouldn’t hold his breath. The silence was broken by a creak from above, one of the sailors gave notice that they would be docking in one hour’s time as well as the fact that they would return in six days for them, meaning that they had to complete this assignment in that time. Shortly after this announcement, the Witch Hunter Reinham, the senior of the group, stood up, debriefing the Initiates on the task ahead of them. Reynald regarded this man highly, his rugged appearance masking the experience that shaped him into what some would consider the very role model of a Witch Hunter. He saw Reinham a few times during his training, even sparring once with him. Obviously he didn’t stand the slightest chance against a seasoned Witch Hunter yet he vastly improved since then, confident that even Reinham would take notice in his skill with the sword once it is witnessed. The Witch Hunter mentioned that now would be a as good a time as any to get to know some of the other Initiates that came along, though Reynald shared in the Witch Hunter’s probable feeling of disdain at the thought yet he did make a valid point, they are supposed to work together, both now on this particular assignment as well as in the probable future. With a sigh, he shifted his gaze at each brother and sister present. He probably caught a glimpse or two of some of them before but other than that, they were complete strangers to him. All, save for Vayen Del’mor, whom he trained and studied alongside with during his initiation period. Reynald wasn’t sure if he should be relieved of her presence or already irritated by her demeanor. Only time will tell. [/center]