The light of the sun's rise over the desert horizon of Zargonia, the mega cities are buzzing with the sounds of civilisation, at the main capital of the planet a small ship lands at the royal palace which had the build of a castle like fortress, it's metal wall's partially reflect the light of the suns. . Out of the ship that landed came a Sas-Zak of high ranking with a personal escort of two Zargan guards, they made their way into the palace, from their the Sas-Zak goes to the thrown room, the guard stay at the door as the Sas-Zak enters, he finds the King atop his throne, inside the room are a line of royal guards on both sides of a carpet that lead strait to the throne, the Sas-Zak walks towards the king who's talking to a Zargan servant nonchalantly, when the Kings spot the Sas-Zak he dismisses the servant with a smile, the servant bows then takes his leave, the Sas-Zak kneels towards the King before looking up to him . "you may rise" say's the King, the Sas-Zak gets to his feet "what news do you bring me?" the King asks him, the Sas-Zak replies with multiple clicks and chips, the King tilts his head slightly, the Sas-Zak click's in question then as if it realized something, it then spoke to the King telepathically . "forgive me your majesty, I had forgotten that our kind's communicate differently" he thought to the King . the King let out a slight chuckle "you need not worry, it happens" the King said with a smile . "back to why I'm here, your plans for what we talked about early are underway as well as increasing industry but..." the Sas-Zak looked away from the King slightly, the King in turn tilted his head slightly before getting off his throne and walking up to the Sas-Zak . "walk with me, well talk along the way" the King said with a smile as he turned to go down a hallway that led to the dining room . "yes your majesty..." he thinks as he follows next to the King that towers over him . "so what is the issue?" the King asks him . "well, with your current plans it will take a long time to finish them even if we have everything we need to do them, we won't have the resources to increases our industry and survey or colonize the other planets in our solar system at the same time, we'll have to pick one or the other" think's the Sas-Zak as they reach the large dining hall . "hmm..." the King had a pondering look before looking to the Sas-Zak with a smile "it's not like the planets are going anywhere, we'll get to them later, our industry is what's of importance right now, when that is done then well talk about colonization" the King say's with a smile as he enters the dining hall "is that all?" the King asks with a smile . "yes your majesty" the Sas-Zak thinks with a smile . "then you are dismissed" the King say's with a wave of his hand before he takes a seat at the far side of the table, not long after his Queen enters the dining hall with their four children, after that servants begin to enter with trays of food for breakfast, with that the Sas-Zak bows and leaves the palace, he gets onto the ship he arrived in to relay the information about the plans