The bow was warm in Syrris's hands as it rested across her knees. Dark eyes studied the wood grain, looking for imperfection of damage. Her mind, however, was not on the task but racing off towards the fast approaching future. Aldergard intrigued her curiosity, and the desire to hunt. Shifting her seat to better adjust the bow and flip it, she studied her comrades with a quick glance at each. Each had their job, their place. A nice tidy box to be tucked into. There were exceptions to the rule, and each one of [i]those[/i] irritated Syrrissia to no end. Reinham she had quartered off with the other older Witch Hunters, polished skill and experience. Useful, in short terms. [i] "Also, if you have any questions, now is the time to ask them."[/i] Questions? Life was full of them. Questions would be answered with time. Time, was the answer to all things. Catching Reynald's glance she held it with her own for a moment in acknowledgement before sweeping it over the others. Each had their benefits and weaknesses. She intended to find them out, and apply to those strengths and avoid the weaknesses when fighting broke out. To know where to lean if things went badly, where the comrades would not break. A thought flickered in her mind. Her own weakness in her shoulder ached from the damp. Pointedly ignoring the urge to rub the muscles to end the taunt soreness, Syrris gave both shoulders a bored roll, covering the motion by drawing out a arrow from her quiver. Not easing completely but allowing her to adjust it. Inspecting the arrow head, she listened for the call from above. Land would be a nice change of pace from the boat. Boats were not her optimal choice of travel. Horse, or foot, would be better.