[b]On the ship: [/b] [sup]With Captain Vash played by [@Ruby][/sup] Upon the Captain's orders Navigation slowed the ship to Impulse and turned to face the Dominion ship. The Jem'Hadar fighter appeared on the Main view screen. The woman in Tactical was busy with charging weapons, despite the look of disbelief on her face. "Ready Captain." The Tactical called out when she had finished following her orders. The Bajoran at navigation kept a grim eye on the Fighter as the two vessels continued to near each other, like a slow game of chicken. Not even their hails slowed the advance of the other ship. "Nineteen minutes until contact." Navigation called out once more as the Captain stood up and left the bridge with the First Officer. After their superior officers left the bridge there was silence. Apart from the Red Alert. For the moment. Then it passed. "We're going to die aren't we?" The young man in Comms asked. The woman in Tactical, Linda, snorted. "Doubtful. There's only one of them." She was still busy with prepping the main deflector. "Yeah, but..." The man tried again but was side tracked as a light flashed on his screen. "Captain!" He shouted, craning in his seat to call across the bridge and into the back rooms where the Captain had disappeared into. Then frowned tapping his communicator. Nearly at the same time the Turbolift opened and disgorged the JAG officer. Since all the Bridge members were busy they didn't spare her any greetings apart from the nodded head. It always paid to be nice to the lady who might one day see you in court. "Captain! There's an incoming transmission from Starfleet." The young man's voice squeaked on the last word. Vash tapped the communicator badge on her chest. "Thanks, I'll be right out." The young Ensign put the transmission up on the view screen. The Admiral wasn't a happy looking woman. In fact she looked thoroughly displeased. Whether it was at the Captain, or the Dominion, or life in general, was up for debate. "Captain Vaella, This is Admiral Meldal-Johnsan. We got your transmission and we're sending you the [i]USS Venture[/i]. They should be there in thirty minuets. You are not to engage the Dominion. I repeat Captain you are not to engage unless fired upon first. If you must, try not to destroy them. We need to know what they're after." The Captain's XO filed out first, followed by her, her look already trained on the Admiral on her main viewscreen. Vash snorted. "It'll be done by the time they get here, Admiral." "Is that understood?" Meldal-Johnsan countered, ignoring the Captain's remark. The Admiral knew of Vaella's history with the Dominion. "Uh, sure--we'll let them fire first." By the time she was finished responding to the Admiral, Vash stood next to her Captain's chair...and used her chair's control panel to kill the line of communication herself. Her attention was to the bridge crew, so they could see it on her face and hear it in her voice: this changed nothing. "Let them fire first, that was the plan all along. If we fire first or throw too advanced a flight maneuver at them they might get spooked and think they don't have the upper hand--and we very much want them feeling safe and secure." "The Dominion ship is nearly within firing range!" Navigation called. "Two minutes." Those two minutes were tense as everyone waited for the Dominion to make their opening move. It was almost a relief when the Phased Polaron Beam hit the ship, nearly dead on, rocking the vessel. Those standing, unless they grabbed a hold of something most likely ended up on the floor. Still, the waiting was over. "Shields holding at ninety-seven percent." The Lieutenant sitting at the mission ops console called out. The tactical officer had a death grip on the [i]oh shit[/i] bar but was steadfast in her work. This wasn't her first fight. Nor would it be her last. "The Fighter is trying to circle us captain!" The Navigation officer practically called this information over tactical. Navigation, anticipating the next orders hovered his hands over his console, ready to make the necessary course corrections to keep the Fighter in their sights. [hr][b]On Vulcan:[/b] Spock looked at the Romulan for a long moment before replying. "I would think you would know more about Captain Vashara Vaella than I do. After all she was requested to be our escort." The Half-Vulcan paused in his discourse to take a sip of his tea. It was perfect. He was perfectly content in the moment, mulling over the question, sequestered in one of his favorite chairs in his own living room. The wide expansive window showed the unforgiving Vulcan desert. Some might think it was plain, but to Spock it was beautiful. This room didn't overlook the city, but rather the wilderness. So one could forget the transport that awaited outside. The Science Academy that loomed over the closest city. "Of the [i]Orion[/i], I can only say what I have been told. It's a newly built vessel. Redesigned for more room and better weapons." Spock gave a small smile. "But in the interest of my opinion?" Spock too the moment to drink more of his tea, not failing to notice his Romulan companion had not. "I think the Captain is young, but not untried. She reminds me of a good man I once knew. I'm unsure if that will be a good thing." Spock gestured to S'Prorta's discarded tea. "I can replicate something else more to your liking." He offered, not ungraciously. It didn't surprise him that the tea was not to the ambassador's liking. None of the other Romulans had liked it either. Before S'Prorta could respond there was a knock at the door. "Enter." Spock said placing his tea down on the table. His front door popped open and a Vulcan woman entered the room. "You have a message." She passed a small pad to Spock, bowed and left his home. Spock looked over the tablet for a second before passing it to S'Prorta. On the tablet there was a short message detailing the fact that the [i]Orion[/i] was engaged with a Dominion vessel. After that the message continued to invite Spock and S'Prorta to the nearest Starfleet base command center if they so desired. "It appears this might be the best opportunity to get to know the [i]Orion[/i] and the Captain outside of your reports. Shall we go?" Spock inquired after giving S'Prorta enough time to read the message.