[quote=@DeadBeatWalking] [hider=WIP][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/41/d7/6b/41d76b6c131f89fbd3031c288b831381.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Archranger Flint Age: 44 Gender: Male Appearance: Flint stands a few inches shorter than most men, has brown hair and green eyes, and is generally the last person one would expect to be [i]The King of Rangers[/i], though for a ranger, this is a good thing. He wears clothes typical for a ranger, with no cape or crown to denote his status -- A hood that is rarely ever lowered obscures most of his sun-leathered face, along with lightweight leather armor and a green tunic and pants designed to act as camouflage in the thick Borean forests while keeping him warm and dry as well. Personality: Flint is [i]strange[/i]. First and foremost, he is almost completely mute, though it is unknown if this is a personal choice or a mental impediment. He communicates with nods, grunts, and occasionally whistles, though nobody has ever known him to [i]speak[/i]. On very, [i]very[/i] rare occasions, he may speak one or two words if absolutely necessary, but is otherwise completely silent. As a result, most simply just call him "The Archranger" -- Being asked his name is far from an important enough reason for him to speak. Flint has poor social skills and is uncomfortable and panicky in crowds, and dislikes being touched. Fortunately, what Flint lacks in social graces, he makes up for with his savant-like survival skills. Flint is exceptionally skilled with wilderness survival, and has spent years at a time in total isolation in the forests of Borea without so much as a tent. History: Flint was born shortly after the beginning of the Age of Dawn, in a small logging village in Borea. Even in the early stages of his childhood, it was easy to see that Flint was [i]different[/i]. He would not cry as a baby, had little interest in playing with other children, and was frequently caught sneaking into the forest surrounding his village after dark by his mother and father. It was rumored that Flint was a changeling left by fairies, leading most to view him with a great deal of suspicion, driving him further into isolation, which Flint enjoyed greatly. Eventually, Flint left home to join the rangers and learn their ways. Since then, he has lived his life in periods of isolation in the woods, only occasionally having contact with other rangers in passing. By the time Flint was in his late thirties, he was skilled enough to be known throughout Borea, and when Archranger Korin died of an illness, Flint was elected at a ranger's summit to take his place. Since then, he has continued his work as a ranger, keeping the forests of Borea safe from bandits and mutants alike, planting medicinal herbs along roads, and generally acting as a steward of the land. It is said that he can shoot a bird out of the sky without killing it, track anything that touches the ground, and can speak to animals, though it is unclear what about him is true and what is an exaggeration. Journey: Here's where things get interesting. Your character has an agenda: what is it? Where are they going in life? Ideals: Holdings: Though Flint technically holds no lands or titles, his status as Archranger makes him the de facto king of Borea's forests, as well as the right to call a ranger's summit. Additionally, as the leader of the Rangers Guild, any and all rangers he meets on the road are sworn to protect and serve him, though he generally tries to avoid contact whenever possible. Feel free to add on whatever else you want, and stylistically format as necessary.[/hider] Not quite done, but I think I've got the general vibe of "probably autistic woodsman" I was aiming for, and am ready for any critiquing. I've still gotta flesh out what the rangers guild is, but think of it as a dual land upkeep/security job. The rangers are allowed to hunt and gather in the forest without being executed for poaching, and in turn they make sure wildfires are snuffed out, periodically clear the forests of any bandit encampments, kill wayward packs of mutants, etc. [/quote] The Ranger's Guild is an interesting concept. I could see it as something that survived the Years of Dusk surprisingly intact, though now operates rather differently than it once did. Perhaps now they are Robin Hood-esque vigilantes, operating "outside of the law" (more accurately, not bending to the whims and demands of the warlords that rule the "civilized" settlements in the Age of Dawn), but idolized by the common folk for their guile and services.