Rhiannon nearly jumped out of her skin as the man appeared from one of the doors further down the hall. Despite her plea she had doubted anyone would actually respond to it and suspected a trap. Taking deep breaths she kept her cool, her hands still up and visible rather than try and antagonise the first person she met in this waking nightmare. She looked the man up and down, or at least what she could make out of him in the dim light, and decided he [i]looked[/i] the bill for his story. Than itself could be part of this trap, she reminded herself. "I'm Rhiannon. I own a farm, my family are... in trouble with the law so I run it for now. Well, ran it. I guess one of the farm hands will take care of it while I'm away..." She hadn't thought of what ramifications her absence might have for her livelihood back home; with a sinking feeling she realised she hadn't even considered getting home as an actual possibility. More like a dream, an unachievable goal to keep her going in this sick place. "It's the same for me. I got a phone but I was in a room by myself. There was a box with water and soup and... a knife. I lost it somewhere in the rubbish when I tripped though." The lie rolled smoothly off her practiced tongue. Now was not the time to reveal she had part of an advanced weapon in here. A knife? That sounded less scary and easier to lose. Made her look harmless. The part about a dead body caught her attention though. Unless this person was a really practiced liar, better than her which was not completely impossible, then his apparent confusion added to his supposed innocence. The smell she had been aware of for some time made some sense now, although not like the corpses she had come across but there was no telling how long that one had been there. "Maybe... we should go away from here. Whoever killed the person might still be about and there might be others like us here... not killers, I mean." She half-turned but kept a weary eye on the man with her water bottle clutched tightly, ready to bludgeon him if he rushed her. Despite her fear, she doubted this bewildered and terrified accountant [i]was[/i] a killer and his story seemed plausible but she suspected that nothing here was as it seemed. [i]And who the hell is supposed to be my soul mate?[/i]