[quote=@MrSkelly] odd question, since the wall is being built to defend against these unique creatures, would are characters need weaponry? obviously some characters have magic and tools but would something such as a gun be out of the question? I mean I guess you wouldnt want to put something like that in the hands of a convict. I found a pretty good picture for my character though, he just so happens to be holding a gun. thus the question. [/quote] My character, Ethan, has an enchanted gun, so it stands to reason that yours could. [quote=@Mokley] To everyone: how do you feel about maybe using video game physics/mechanics? Specifically I'm thinking of methods of collecting objects in order to accomplish certain goals and gain power. There would be no numbers involved at all, but just the basic concept of magic power gems, for example. XD [/quote] Depends how this would work. I'm already gonna have Ethan collecting more stuff, that's like his thing, but I'm up for whatever. Also, are the grits capable of magic? IE would there be sigils and runes beyond the wall? and what is the other way from the wall, back towards civilization?