Akyra glanced up at the sound of the intercom, as if doing so would allow the pilot to know that she was paying attention. The slightest hint of relief spread through the Vahra at the announcement. Sure, there were a few complications, but they were prepared for those. The important part was now they could get off this ship. A familiar presence approached shortly after the announcement. Elyka. Better her than anyone else, the Vahra thought. While she was acquainted with the other Jedi, she still did not know them as well as she knew Elyka. To be honest, she had felt slightly relieved when she learned that they would be on this mission together. Akyra might try to keep her friendships at a minimum, but she could not deny the comfort she felt knowing there was an old acquaintance with her that she could rely on. Akyra glanced at the Jedi. [b]"Only once, with my master. I can't say I'm pleased to be back."[/b] She answered, her displeasure obvious in her voice. She wasn't quite as excited as Elyka, though she would be lying if she said she wasn't glad to be on this particular mission. After all, it wasn't every day that they were assigned a mission by the Grandmaster himself. Giving a slight nod at Elyka's suggestion, she followed her fellow Jedi, though it was quickly cut short. There was a disturbance, something was wrong. Her assumptions were only confirmed at the sound of an alarm. Akyra cursed under her breath in her mother tongue as she turned around. Now they were in for space warfare, one of her [i]least[/i] favorite things. [b]"So much for a quiet arrival. I'm going to help with the gunners,"[/b] She informed before hurrying off, not bothering to check if Elyka was following.