Shino then looked at odd girl weirdly as he wonder what this girl deal was and how she was flying or rather not she was human at all. He begins to think of rather not he should help her. The girl did seem cute so he decided to help her out. [color=FireBrick]"Sure, what kind of stuff will i be carrying?"[/color] He asked her innocently before following her. Then the monster girl starts dancing with what he assumes to be another girl(Hato) then at which point he begin to wonder what the hell is going on? and where the hell is he? "Is he really die or is this some kind of dream strange dream he having at the hospital. Once the two when done dancing he then decided to asked the monster girl a question. He hesitated a bit to asked her this next question. [color=FireBrick]"Where am i?"[/color] He asked her anxiously. [color=FireBrick]"Before i woke up here i was beaten, stabbed, and left to died in and alleyway; and i wearing this outfit when it all happen. I should be in the hospital and yet i'm fine as healthy as a horse."[/color] He asked her shaking in fear and angry.