The order is currently recruiting new blood into its ranks and is looking for people to help keep the peace and figure out crimes of the more magical nature. You can choose whether or not you wish to become involved with the order it's up to you. However in the darkness something looms a man by the name of Joshua has risen a bastard child born as a sorcerer his natural grasp for magic has given him a god like look on life. Deciding that mankind were weak and magic was stronger he announced to the Order that he would wipe out 50% of humanity so that they could take over and be the top dogs that they should be. Obviously the order would never want such genocide to go ahead as the order was created to protect humans, not allow them to be slaughtered. They managed to capture him and he has been held deep within the bowels of the orders most secure holding vault in a coma like state. He’s been locked their for 125 years. This is a mystery fantasy RP based around London in present time. This RP will involve anything you as a player can think of. You want to make a Race or magic? Sure go ahead, I'll give it a once over and most likely you'll be able to use it. In this RP I want people to be comfortable playing what they wish. Within reason of course.