[quote=@MsChimeric]I'm not very clear on what you mean here (collecting power gems to unlock certain abilities?), but as long as it doesn't feel too out of place with the setting I don't mind at all :) [/quote] Yea, being out of place is my concern. Not necessarily unlocking abilities, but increasing that dream power when using sigils, or breaking other people's spells, things like that. It'd be best explained by doing it IC, I think. [quote=@OnlyThePie]Also, are the grits capable of magic? IE would there be sigils and runes beyond the wall? and what is the other way from the wall, back towards civilization?[/quote] The Grit are capable of magic, yes. They rely on it exclusively, since they don't have the technology that the city folk do. So there are sigils beyond the walls, but no runes. The Grit never enchant things, and the only enchanted items they have were stolen from passing traders. I'm not sure I understand the second question? :) The city is built within the circle of the wall -- people are so crammed into the space that the buildings are stacked on top of one another, with bridges and walkways and floating boats to get around. Also teleportation sigils. The only way in and out of the wall is to use the teleportation sigils: there's a sigil inside the wall, which is connected to the sigil engraved on the outside. Touch one, appear at the other. Teleportation sigils are all over the city; each connects to one other sigil somewhere else in the city, though some people have drawn their own that go who knows where. I'm thinking out loud, 'scuse me. xD [@drewccapp] All we needed was a smartass self-absorbed failed-mage teenager with a magic pen. Approved. :3