[center][h2][color=fff200]Boss[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/YXbpBBi.gif[/img][/center] Smiled as Dana made the simple mistake of bumping into her Boss felt Dana was acting a bit... stiff [color=fff200]“That’s fine, it was an honest-”[/color] cuts her self off as she hears Dana refer to herself as ‘trash’ forcing a smile onto her face, Boss clenches her fists when a smaller girl handed her and Dana a flower each. Taking a deep breath , Boss forced herself to smile politely, seeing what she offered she couldn’t help but admire the girl [color=fff200]“Thank you for the blue rose! How [i]did [/i]you manage to get one? So mysterious~”[/color] taking a sniff Boss turned to talk to this flower girl and saw her flitting off to enchant some more young ladies. [color=fff200][i]Nice to see a lady killer around here[/i][/color]. Shaking her head Boss took the flower with her and headed off to get some paper towels, spied Dana and clenched her fist again, the rose thorns biting into her palm, she walked up behind Dana and slapped the back of the girl’s head. [color=fff200]“A person should never call themselves trash! Never let me catch you calling yourself trash again or I will kick your ass so hard you’ll taste leather for a week!”[/color] turning and seeing the boy drying his face a polite smile once again plastered itself on Boss' face [color=fff200]“Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to disturb you. This lovely little girl just pushed one of my buttons, it wasn’t her fault, but I couldn’t help myself”[/color] rubbing the top of Dana’s head, with her non-bloody hand, rose still gripped as her hand slowly grows sticky and the scent of iron fills the near by air, Boss tries to make amends with the littler girl [color=fff200]“Still, never call yourself trash. It’s fine if others call someone trash, since it merely shows there petty self-worth, but [i]never [/i]call yourself trash. Not even Super Trash, okay~?”[/color] Tenderly unclenching her fist, Boss pulls out the rose, making sure no thorns were still stuck in her hand, and grabs a paper towel to help prevent blood flow. [color=fff200]“I’m making a bit of a mess, is there any water? I’d like to wash away the stickiness”[/color]