Justin let out a long sigh, closing his eyes as Irina voiced her discovery and concerns. [i]Remember[/i], he told himself.[i] Keep your damn wits together.[/i] Slowly he opened them and let his hazel eyes linger on the faces of the two before him. Even in the dark his irises managed to somehow to stand out, with their contrasted mixture of copper and emerald. Though he was quite exhausted, mentally and physically, his determination did not waver in the brightness of his eyes. [color=fff79a]"So it's like I thought. There were people here before us."[/color] He indicated to the trash scattered around them, to the crushed cans and dusty water bottles. [color=fff79a]"Something bad is going on here, guys, and like Austin said, if we don't work together and find a way out, then maybe we'll soon find ourselves to be in the exact predicament as the person Irina mentioned..."[/color] As soon as he finished what he was saying, a third person emerged from the melancholic shadows. Another girl, and this one had a hatchet in her hands. [color=fff79a]"Please don't tell me that you're the ghost,"[/color] he humored at her and glanced at Irina with a raised eyebrow. He then cursed to himself - [i]now's not the time to be seeking out recognition for a stupid inside joke, you ass.[/i] [color=fff79a]"Hi Cleo. It's okay, we're all in the same boat as you. Matter of fact, we were in the process of discussing a plan of action to try and figure out what the hell we should do now. I have a feeling that there are still some of us out there, too."[/color] Justin hesitated at the thought. Could it be too late for some of them...? He shook his head, then turned back to Austin. When the other man revealed the existence of his "gift", Justin didn't know what to expect. [color=fff79a]"What do you mean a revolver with only two spots for bullets? It only has two working chambers?"[/color] Justin cocked his head slightly to the side. A defected weapon, with no ammunition either? That was quite a peculiar thing to give to someone...and speaking of peculiar things... Justin cleared his throat, his lips pressed into a thin line. He eyed everyone again, then gave a heavy sigh before reaching to the box kept safely locked between his feet where he was standing. He pulled out the two smaller boxes and gingerly opened them up and revealed its contents: the syringe and the seven bottles of unknown chemicals, though each bottle was marked. Two had caduceus rods, two had skulls, two had Zzz's, and the most ominous label of all - "You Monster". When everyone had a chance to peek, he slowly boxed them back and put them away. "The hell if I know what I'm suppose to use these for," he whispered, eyeing the ground gently. "This is so fucked up, guys." Another sigh. But Justin raised his head and nodded when Austin suggested to show each other their respected "missions". [color=fff79a]"Well,"[/color] Justin began after Austin stated the contents of his text message, [color=fff79a]"you do find love in all the wrong places. And if this is not the wrongest place to be, then please let me be a bachelor forever. As for me, my mission is-"[/color] [quote]dingdingding, we have a winner~ (*^-‘) 乃 knew you could do it! swing by a dropoff to pickup your treat! nice job making friends, too~ i thought you would just make 1, but 3? !Σ( ̄口 ̄;; really shocked me~[/quote] After recovering from almost throwing the phone down the hallway, Justin slowly raised the phone to his face. You could hear his heartbeat pounding through his chest and echoing down the deadened hallways. Finally, he turned the phone to his peers, and eyed all three with a solemn expression. [color=fff79a]"Well. I guess I just completed mine. Thanks for being my friends, I guess."[/color] Just then, another female voice could be heard and this time, it was from behind them, around the corner towards the south end of the T intersection where Austin and Justin's room were. [color=fff79a]"Um, hello. We're all friendlies here, and if you're not planning to murder us all, feel free to join us."[/color] Still, he eyed the rest of them and in a lower voice, asked [color=fff79a]"So, what do you guys want to do once everything is sorted out between us? Look to see if there are still others?"[/color] He gestured at where the new voice was coming from. [color=fff79a]"Or should we start finding this...dropoff point thing?"[/color] Justin eyed the phone warily, noticing how gloomy the skull charm looked in the non-existent lighting. [color=fff79a]"If need be, I can go alone. Don't want to drag any of you into a potentially scarier place since it's my 'treat' but... whatever it is, I think it could bring us some important clues."[/color]