Ooooh, I was in one or two of the Rps on the list. :hehe Anyways in my case I've only had experience in one sci-fi NRP. The second one civil space OCC I jumped in with alot of superfluous tech talk that I really wanted to blurt out for some reason. The GM/OP was a bit grumpy to say the least, rightfully so actually. I noticed however that he didn't set any iron ground rules and rather threw things to the wind and wanted everyone else to decide what sort of RP they wanted. I didn't really track down what happened after though. Faction : Martian Front was actually a really pleasant experience. Open ended yet thematic. But sadly the RP stopped due to inactivity me included. I had a blast though before that happened. Sometime this week the Sequel Faction 2: Jupiter Referendum will be up and running IC. I just hope I can make the time to go at it. As I intend to go all out. Anyways the idea of JASFR is great! It allows an overview of several roleplaying settings, techniques, and directions to inspire better RPs. Which is good by the way! XD