Chartose looked at the offering of food all laid-out, the cottage, and the warmth coming presumably from the well-spring. He could already tell that Tricia wanted to. It was hard for him to believe that anyone would just offer such things for free. The sheer unlikeliness of such a near-impossibility kept him on edge even as he watch his scream-raptor shuck-off her own saddle and covers and take a quick dip in the far end of the spring. [color=6ecff6]"And what do you seek in return for these, services?"[/color] Chartose asked as he slowly took note of all the glowing crystals jutting from the walls and cieling; he would have had many more questions to ask, trying to catch any signs of deception from the white-elf hostess, but strictly business seemed the best way to cut through the modesty. Having a calling and a purpose was all well and good, but he wasn't going to think she'd let some strangers take advantage of her hospitality. One the other hand, the Ebon-knight was stuffing his mouth and the homunculus stood as a placid observer of the serene landscape. Rather than pig-out and fight over food with an Ebon-Knight, Chartose went about hanging-up Ticia's winter covers, which would [i]just happen[/i] to function as a vanity-screen for the elf and half-elf. He could've sworn he heard the homunculus give-off a disheartened-sigh after he'd finished.